The Mike Herrera Podcast

Live Performance, DI, Touring, Growing up in Virginia, Humans, Politics, Stoics, Philosophy of life, work ethic, job interview, Waiting the movie.’

MHH165 with traveler and songwriter Mike Frazier

Live in studio performance where I also sit in on guitar on brand new song Big Sky and his currrent single that also happens to be a fun impression of the absurdity of the Donald Trump candidacy and unfathomable narcisism of US politics, The Parrot King.


DIY shows and promoting, Geneva Records, Touring, Trump and how he wrote a song about him.

2nd Half - My friend and now apprentice John Boyce joins me on the second half of the podcast. We get into


Interviewing for a Job. John actually interviews me for a position as a server. This alone is worth the price of admission.

How the Apprenticeship is going and what he's learning. We were really just two guys having a conversation which is kind of nice too. These podcasts are always fun for me.

 favorite things