The Mike Herrera Podcast

iPhone Photography, Product Design, Start Ups with Erik Hedberg, Co-Founder and Designer of Moment App + lenses. Check out Moment here:

MHH163 @moment lens and app startup co founder/ designer Erik Hedberg joins me on the show to talk about his success and vision for a small company that's growing by leaps and bounds.
We discuss a lot here but it is mostly in hte vein of Mobile Photography, Manufacturing, origins of
Startup tactics, Kickstarter, Design, content communities, seattle, remote working, local business and artist communities, Moment Camera App

Listen to the#mikeherrerahour on
@IDOBIradio -Fri/Sun 8PM ET/5PT
@IDOBIradio -Tues Morning at 11am EST

or click and listen here on this site.

follow on instagram @moment @e21 or the website and the blog about mobile photography in Chicago by Neal Kumar

 Mobile Photos of Chicago 
Direct download: MHH163_ErikHedberg_Moment_CoFounder_and_Designer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST