The Mike Herrera Podcast

#254 MXPX Crew - Road Stories

WARNING! This is more of a peecast or maybe even a poocast. So don't listen with your parents in the room. HaHa. Many of the stories are messy. You've been warned.. in fact, don't even listen!

Tony Godino, Andy Alonso , Trevor Jackson, Yuri Ruley and Tom Wisniewski all tell some good and gruesome stories from the road of life.


Brad Blanco was driving and Dave Lackey filmed the entire podcast on video. that's available on Youtube. Search - #254 MXPX Crew - Road Stories for all things

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Direct download: MHP_254_-_MXPX_CREW_Road_Stories.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 10:17pm PDT