The Mike Herrera Podcast

The Mike Herrera Podcast

MHP #247 with Mario Romero Ex Navy Seal and training to be an Astronaut.

Follow him on Instagram @MarioRomero186

Visit to watch the latest videos and preorder new album!


July 27th- Seattle, WA - The Showbox On sale now!

July 28th- Portland, OR - Hawthorne Theatre On Sale NOW!

September 7th- Dallas, TX- Canton Hall  on sale NOW!

September 8th- Austin, TX- Mohawk on sale NOW!

July 4, 2018

Mike Herrera Podcast #246 with Photographer Joe Ortega.

Joe and I sat down in the studio and Joe told me his story about how he got into music and photos. He's got a great story. 

Thanks for listening. Please subscribe to the podcast and rate and review on itunes! for all things MXPX!

Direct download: MHP_246_-_Joe_Ortega.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:12pm PST

#245 the Mike Herrera Podcast with

Tattooer JOHNNY SMITH ART and JOE MOXLEY for everything!

Direct download: MHP-245-_JOHNNY_SMITH_ART_-_JOE_MOXLEY.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:30am PST

MHP 244 Pro Athlete BMX Rider and Actor Rick Thorne

Musician, VJay, Announcer

Direct download: MHP-244-Rick_Thorne.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:13am PST

Punk Rock Karaoke - A conversation backstage in Seattle, Washington with Stan Lee, Steve Soto, Greg Hetson and Darrin Pfeiffer. for MXPX tickets in JULY!!! 

New Album out in JULY!!!!


We talk:




Punk Rock Karaoke

Mike Herrera Podcast #242

Brandon Saller of Atreyu and Hell or Highwater and Phil Moon from Greek Fire and Goldfinger join me on the podcast as we barrel down the highway in the United Kingdom. 

Direct download: MHP-242-Brandon_Saller_and_Phil_Moon.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 10:20pm PST

#241 Garrett Dale of Red City Radio


We talk about some very important topics. 


I also redcap the MXPX trip to Jakarta, Indonesia as well as updates to Kickstarter. Thank you for listening. Mike


Direct download: MHP-241-Garrett_Dale.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 7:16pm PST

#240 Mike Herrera on MegaMaker with Justin Jackson

MXPX Kickstarter link

Direct download: MHP_240_Mike_Herrera_on_Mega_Maker.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:07am PST

#239 James Barrett - Stage tech touring the world with rock bands

He’s a professional stage tech out with Underoath as this podcast is releasing. You name it he's worked for or alongside them. He’s worked for Kesha, the Jacksons, ADTR, Shiny Toy Guns, Anberlin and much, much more. But it all started with MXPX. First as our all around get it done guy then a big step up as my bass tech. He's like an older brother to me. We had a great conversation. 

#238 - Spencer Chamberlain of Underoath


Spencer tells me why he doesn't have Facebook. We go in depth about how the new Underoath album was written and recorded. We talk about a number of topics from culture to the music business. 

Underoath - Erase Me (Fearless Records) out everywhere now!!!


MXPX has a new album coming this summer! 

Check out the Kickstarter at

Direct download: 238_Spencer_Chamberlain_Underoath.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 11:59pm PST

A conversation with Steve Cabellero about Professional Skateboarding, practice, dedication and passion for mastering your profession. Steve hits us with nugget after nugget of wisdom and that positive attitude. My hope is that you'll get a lot of value from this podcast. Enjoy to pre order the upcoming new album!!


Direct download: MHP_237_-_Steve_Caballero.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:00am PST

The Mike Herrera Podcast 

#236 A conversation with Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens

Direct download: MHP_236_-_Kellin_Quinn_Sleeping_with_Sirens_.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:00am PST

A conversation with Jason "Wee Man" Acuña about skateboarding, Jack Ass, his acting career and the Taco Business!


Help MXPX make a new album go to


Direct download: MHP_235_-_Wee_Man_Pro_Skater_Actor.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:00am PST

On the podcast today is Travis Boersma co-founder of Dutch Bros. Coffee, the largest privately owned drive through coffee chain.  He and his brother Dane founded the company in 1992 after government regulations forced their family out of their dairy business in Grants Pass Oregon.



Fixer Upper [1:00]

Under Cover Boss [3:00]

Dutch Bros 92 [10:50]

The Dairy Life [14:00]

Football Pencils [19:30]

Espresso Cart [22:00]

Making Changes [30:00]

Tears and Pain [33:00]

Self awareness [36:00]

Treating people well [44:00]

The modern company [47:00]

Music state of mind [51:30]

Tech and change [56:00]

Rebel energy [1:00:00]

Notable Links Discussed:

Dutch Bros

Tony Robbins

Napoleon Hill


Direct download: MHP234_TRAVIS_BOERSMA.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 12:00am PST



Here's a brand new episode that will give you the updates on what we've been doing and why. Some big changes but mostly many small ones. My 11 time guest Chichila joins me for this ode to conversation for conversations sake and add value in the process. We get deep into music business talk here. Let me know what you think @mikeherreraTD


Direct download: MHP233_-_TOM_CHICHILA.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 9:18pm PST

This year's highs and lows with Jason Hockney Zeimet. 

Direct download: MHH232_HILOWJASON_POD.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Trevor, Tony and Andy from the MxPx crew join the podcast while in New York City.

Direct download: MHHp231_MXPX_CREW.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Stephen Egerton (Descendents, All) joins the podcast.

Direct download: MHH230_STEPHEN_E_PODCAST.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike's mom joins the podcast!

Find her on Twitter: @mxpxstoremanager

Direct download: MHH229p_MICHELE_HERRERA.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Jeff Betger of 90 LB WUSS joins the podcast.

Direct download: MHHp228_JEFFBetger.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

MHH227- Tony Lovato - MEST

Get Tony up close and personal in this long form podcast about his life growing up in South Chicago and the rise and fall of his band MEST.

Direct download: MHHp227-_Tony_Lovato_Mest.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Yuri and Mike talk about how they met, songwriting process, growing and evolving as musicians... and answer your questions! 

Direct download: MHHp226_YURI_RULEY_MXPX.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike Park, owner Asian Man Records. The Bruce Lee Band.  

Direct download: MHHp225_MIKE_PARK.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Chris Demakes and Roger Lima join the podcast this week.

Direct download: MHHp224_LessThanJake_ChrisDemakes_RogerLima.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Tom Wisniewski - MXPX - politics, mass shootings, natural disasters and current events. Q+A at the end where your Facebook questions get answered! 


Price vs Quality [4:20]
Amazon takes over [6:25]
Mass shootings [9:50]
Conspiracy theories [17:00]
Raising kids [20:00]
More conspiracies [24:00]
Chappelle and tacos [30:15]
Politics [27:00]
Police training [35:30]
Tom Petty [39:00]
Dead on stage [43:30]
Listener Q&A [47:00]
Podcast bonus Q&A [1:00:00]
This Trump Guy [1:11:00]

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:
Best. Sheets. Ever.
Use code MIKE at checkout to save $20 and get free shipping.


MIKE OnlineWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter Instagram

Thanks to @SarahAllspaw : distribution, Mia McClellan: Production,Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light : photos, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp223_TomWisniewski_MXPX.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Comedian Joe Sib joins the Mike Herrera Hour. 

Direct download: MHHp222_JOESIB.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Josh Caterer & Mike Felumlee (The Smoking Popes). 

Direct download: MHHp221_TheSmokingPopes_JoshCaterer_MikeFelumlee.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Tom May and Joe Godino from The Menzingers

Direct download: MHHp220_TheMenzingers_TomMay_JoeGodino.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST


Five Iron Frenzy's Reese Roper and Leanor Orega Till join the podcast.

This week’s guest is Reese Roper and Leanor Orega Till of Five Iron Frenzy. You may be in a group called I hate Five Iron Frenzy but the truth is you don’t. From long arms to Fireball this episode rotates through pre show warm ups, politics, live shows, and even some bad jokes so get ready for an hour of good friends and good stories.  

Reese and Leanor online:
Leanor's Facebook
Reese Roper is not my real friend



It stinks so good [7:15]
Fireball [11:00]
Reese starts to sing [15:00]
Breaking stuff at shows [17:30]
Words and propaganda [21:20]
Live shows [25:00]
Cornerstone [28:00]
The controversy [32:15]
Music hierarchy [35:00]
Leprosy barrier [37:00]
Music becomes family [40:00]
The voice takes you there [42:30]
Bad jokes [46:00]
Mini tour [47:30]
New album and politics [51:00]

Notable Links Discussed:

Me Without You
Simple Plan     
The fast feeling

Thanks to this week’s sponsors: use code MIKEH

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Thanks to @SarahAllspaw : distribution, Mia McClellan: Production,Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light : photos, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra. Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon it helps – Thank you!

Direct download: MHHp219_FIF_ReeseRoper_and_LeanorOregaTill.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Seb Lefebvre from Simple Plan joins the podcast.

#mikeherrerahour airs FRIDAY NIGHT at 8PM EST/5PM PST Live on IDOBI Radio

Listen on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw


This weeks guest is Seb Lefebvre of Simple Plan. From the janitors closet to a stage surrounded by thousands, Seb has had a life time of stories to share with world and maybe next time he will, but this time Mike and Seb talk about guitars that don’t exist, learning English to get laid, old movies, books, technology that listens to everything you say, and also a creeper in the park.

Seb Online:


Seb the janitor [6:30]
Reset [8:10]
A Simple Plan begins [12:00]
Chuck the manager [15:00]
Bass and family [17:00]
Compact guitars [19:00]
Seb in the morning [20:30]
Music and family [26:30]
Learning English [29:30]
Movies and books [31:00]
The tech listens [35:00]
Creeper in the park [39:00]
Podcasting [41:30]
Supporting a brother [51:00]
Producing and writing [57:00]

Notable Links Discussed:
Man of the hour podcast 
Simple Plan    
Ernie Ball

Direct download: MHHp218_SebLefebvre_SimplePlan.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Listen on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw

This weeks guest is Tom Chichila. If you are in the music business or any creative business this podcast has some gems and tons of value!

Hang out with Mike and Tom as they try to take a walk down memory lane but ultimately and with great passion end up strolling broken music boulevard. So grab your device, headphones, and a nice place to kick your feet up and Let it Happen!


Text Harvey to 90999 [8:00]
Mike and Tom meet [10:25]
Tumbledown and the Swiss guys [16:30]
2013 [20:30]
Holli the angel [24:40]
Back to 2013 [20:30]
The solo gig [30:00]
Mike the tour manager [36:20]
Break the grind [39:00]
The mailing list(props to Tony) [47:00]
Are we stupid? [54:00]
Agents will disappear [58:00]
The bubble [1:03:00]
Playing ball [1:06:30]
Opening for MxPx [1:09:00]
Let it happen? [1:13:00]
Selling new stuff [1:17:00]
Mia the Newbie [1:23:00]
The last fight [1:25:50]
Repressing albums [1:30:00]

Notable Links Discussed:
Less Than Jake 
Five Iron Frenzy

Thanks to this week’s sponsors: DRAFT

Come and join me on DRAFT today! Download the app any time – just search DRAFT in your app store and join a game in minutes! Or play right from your computer on – whatever you want!


For a limited time only, all new players get a FREE entry into a draft when you make your first deposit! But you have to use my promo code MikeH. That’s right – play a real money game for free just for using my promo code MikeH on your first deposit on draft!


Just search DRAFT in the app store or go to and come play free with promo code MikeH. use code MIKEH


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Thanks to @SarahAllspaw : distribution, Mia McClellan: Production,Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light : photos, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp217_TomChichila_Brilliant_Business_Mind_TeamMXPX.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Max Collins (Eve 6) and Kenny Carkeet (Awolnation) join to talk about their new band Fitness, views on past projects, stories from the road and more.

#mikeherrerahour airs FRIDAY NIGHT at 8PM EST/5PM PST Live on IDOBI Radio

Listen on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw

MHH 216 – Fitness (was taken) Max Collins and Kenny Carkeet

This week's guests are Max Collins (Eve 6) and Kenny Carkeet (Awolnation) of Fitness. In this episode Mike, Max, and Kenny talk about how to make it in the every changing music world without the help of the big bad LABEL machine. Oh, also one of them looks just like their dog but you’re going to have to listen to find out who. So grab an ice cold Secret Weapon, and crank up those speakers to 11 so you can share this episode with the neighbors. They’re going to thank you!


Tour and Music 


My tour pet [2:00]
Fitness meets [4:15]
Blow and side bands [9:45]
The fitness goal [12:00]
President of the label [17:00]
Know then what I Know now [20:30]
100 people [25:00]
Not in front of the kids [31:30]
      Making records [34:00]
 Mind bottling [37:00]
Uncle Ed and the ice cuts [40:30]
Creative Effort [44:00]
Listening to the old stuff [46:00]
The new record [49:00]
Foot in the door [53:00]
DIY [57:15]

Notable Links Discussed:
Peter Gabriel   
Eve 6  
Liam Gallaghar's New Tune

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

DIY at it's finest!

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Thanks to @SarahAllspaw : distribution, Mia McClellan: Production, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light : photos, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp216_Fitness_was_taken_MaxCollins_KennyCarkeet_.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Andy Verdecchio of Five Iron Frenzy. Now make no mistake, Andy is not just a drummer. He’s creative, he has a fulltime job, he has a family, he’s doing the things he loves, he’s playing drums, he’s writing poetry, and now books. You can do that too! Just sit back and listen to Mike and Andy talk about using time and how to dedicate energy to the right places to push forward in life and make things happen.   


Tour and Music
Andy’s Book!


No headphone jack! [3:00]
File sharing and my room [6:15]
Thanksgiving and hurtful words [18:00]
The weekend warriors [21:30]
Andy starts drumming [24:30]
Andy and the high school band [31:00]
From punk to ska [34:00]
Yuri’s not Dave [37:00]
What’s Ska? [41:30]
Down the rabbit hole [46:00]
I’m not just a drummer [50:30]

Direct download: MHHp215_AndyVerdecchio_FiveIronFrenzy.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mark McMillon from Hawthorne Heights joins the podcast.

Direct download: MHHp214_MarkMcMillon_HawthorneHeights.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Freestyle Motor Cross, the esoteric, the occult, and Metal Mulisha with Beau Manley.

Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Freestyle Motor Cross, the esoteric, the occult, and Metal Mulisha with Beau Manley.

Direct download: MHHp213_Beau_Manley_Pro_Moto_Metal_Mulisha.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 4:54pm PST

Roger Miret from the band Agnostic Front and Roger Miert and The Disasters joins to talk about his new book, My Riot: Agnostic Front, Grit, Guts & Glory! 

Direct download: MHHp212_RogerMiret_AgnosticFront.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

25 years of MXPX! Tom, Yuri and Chris join Mike this week to talk about the early years, how it all began, then and now and what's next. 

Direct download: MHHp211_MXPX_25_Year_Anniversary_Podcast.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

The guys from the band Magnetic North join the podcast this week! 

Direct download: MHHp210_MagneticNorth.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Dave McWane from Big D and the Kids Table joins the podcast this week.

Direct download: MHHp209_DaveMcWane_BigD_and_the_Kids_Table.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

LUKE SCHWARTZ, Touring Bass Player joins the podcast this week.

Direct download: MHHp208_LUKESCHWARTZ_TouringBassPlayer.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Cyrus Bolooki, drummer from New Found Glory is back for part 2. 

Direct download: MHHp207_CyrusBolooki_NewFoundGlory_Part2.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Cyrus Bolooki New Found Glory joins the podcast for Part 1 of this special 2 week episode.

Direct download: MHHp206_CyrusBolooki_NewFoundGlory_Part1.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Tim Brennan from DropKick Murphys joins the podcast.

Direct download: MHHp205_TimBrennan_DropKickMurphys.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Tom Bearpre from Florida Georgia Line and Trevor Jackson of True Rivals, Screeching Weasel. 

Direct download: MHHp204_TomBeaupre_FloridaGeorgiaLine.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Monique Powell stops by the podcast while gearing up for this year's Warped Tour.

Direct download: MHHp203_MoniquePowell_SaveFerris_Countdown_to_Warped_Tour.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mark Soloman Stavesacre to Nascar + additional calls Jake Langley Andy Alonso

Direct download: MHHp202_MarkSoloman_Stavesacre_to_Nascar_JakeLangley_AndyAlonso.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Ryan Seaman talks leaving Falling In Reverse, what he's up to now and what's next.

Direct download: MHHp201_RyanSeaman_ProDrummer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Kurt Larson and Daniel Franz of Silver City Brewery. With the much anticipated release of Secret Weapon Kurt, Daniel, and Mike talk about all the steps that went into making such a great beer. From tastings, to artwork, and all the beer industry lingo, MxPx and Silver City Brewery have not just designed a great beer but a great start to the summer. Parties, bars, rock shows, podcasts, and even grocery stores are going to be all about Secret Weapon.

More on Silver City Brewery from SILVER CITY
For most in the Puget Sound, when you look west at the Olympic Mountains you're looking right at the "Silver City". The convergence point right before you jump off into the wilderness of the Olympic National Forest on your way to the Pacific Ocean, resting between the edge of the Puget Sound and the base of the Olympic Mountains, rests Silver City. This Urban-Suburban experience is a sweet brewer's mash of Seattle city life and breathtaking outdoor adventure, all within ones reach. Beer, well made, brings the people of the "Silver City" together in celebration of having it all.
Silver City was started in 1996 by Co-owners Steve & Scott Houmes, and it remains a locally owned and operated business. Silver City Brewery's handcrafted beers are available on draft, in 22oz bottles, 12oz bottle & 12oz can 6-packs across Washington State in bars, restaurants, and grocery stores.
Silver City Brewery's production facility & brewery taproom is located at 206 Katy Penman Ave. in Bremerton, WA. Silver City Restaurant is located in Silverdale at 2799 NW Myhre Rd.


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

Listeners get your first 3 meals free!! Blue Apron's uniquely integrated model means better ingredients, better pricing and a better planet for us all.

Where to find the Beer
Celebrating 25 years of loud, fast, left-coast punk rawk, MXPX and Silver City Brewery, both from Bremerton, Washington, have joined forces to commemorate the band's anniversary milestone with an exclusive, signature beer. Named after the band's 2007 hit, "Secret Weapon", the brew is a delicious amber lager brewed in the "left-coast common" style. Super easy-going with a full-flavored malt backbone and a clean hop kick on the finish, the recipe is a true collaborative effort between the Silver City brew team and band members Mike, Tom, and Yuri, who were heavily involved in its development, adding their own personal tastes and flavor preferences.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Secret Weapon [5:45]
Kurt and Daniel [7:30]
Steps to Secret Weapon [11:45]
Naming the Beer [20:00]
The cycle of beer [24:00]
Tom Chichila [30:00]
Beer barriers [32:00]
A day with Kurt [36:00]
Drinking well with others [38:30]
MxPx breaking news [41:00]
RockStar, Actor, Beer Guy [44:00]
Best selling beers [48:00]
Beer to the masses [52:30]

Notable Links Discussed:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Lucky Lager
The Peer Pleasure Podcast

Where to find the Beer

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHp200_SilverCityBrewery_KurtLarson_DanielFranz.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Steve Kravac, Producer, Mixer, and Engineer Extraordinaire. Mike and Steve talk all things MxPx and his contributions that helped MxPx make it 25 years. Mike and Steve also cover the infamous Chick Magnet Steve Kravac story time, United Airlines, while still leaving time to deep dive into the music producing and engineering aspect of his career.

More on Steve Kravac from
Steven Kravac is a RIAA gold accredited record producer, recording engineer, mixer, musician and composer, working from los Angeles, CA. He has built a strong reputation as an exacting producer & engineer, while working with groundbreaking International recording artists.
Steve entered the American punk rock and indie rock scene with a five-year tenure as head engineer at westbeach Recorders. legendary in the punk rock community, Westbeach, owned by Brett Gurewitz, of Epitaph Records, was the staple recording outlet for acts like The Offspring and Rancid. One of the first sessions Steve engineered at this studio, was the album “Cheshire Cat” by Blink 182. The record went on to sell 400,000 units and provided a springboard to other production and engineering opportunities.  
After leaving Westbeach, Kravac built a solid discography with many notable indie and punk rock artists, receiving a RIAA certified gold record for his work as producer, engineer and mixer on“Slowly Going the way of the Buffalo”, byMXPX. He also produced their album, “life in General” which featured the band’s most popular single, “Chick Magnet”. His work with MXPX alone, has netted sales well in excess of one-million records.  




Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:
Try ZipRecruiter for FREE Today. The Best Way to Post Jobs and Hire Fast. As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen & rate them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business. All Candidates in One Place.
Celebrating 25 years of loud, fast, left-coast punk rawk, MXPX and Silver City Brewery, both from Bremerton, Washington, have joined forces to commemorate the band's anniversary milestone with an exclusive, signature beer. Named after the band's 2007 hit, "Secret Weapon", the brew is a delicious amber lager brewed in the "left-coast common" style. Super easy-going with a full-flavored malt backbone and a clean hop kick on the finish, the recipe is a true collaborative effort between the Silver City brew team and band members Mike, Tom, and Yuri, who were heavily involved in its development, adding their own personal tastes and flavor preferences.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


MxPx 25 Years [8:00]
It’s not all sunshine and puppy dogs [11:00]
Steve defends his Chick Magnet story time [13:00]
Steve comes to Bremerton [13:00]
United Airlines [19:00]
Mike has beef [23:00]
Steve gets into punk rock [25:30]
Having a space [31:45]
Auto Tune [35:00]
 Drum Replacement [37:00]
Vocals [39:00]
Recording and budgets [47:30]
Dependent on tech [51:00]
MxPx Shows! [54:00]

Notable Links Discussed:
Less Than Jake
Bob Moon



Direct download: MHHp199_SteveKravac__Producer_Mixer_Engineer.mp3
Category:Lifestyle -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Jay Navarro of The Suicide Machines joins the podcast!

Direct download: MHHp198_JayNavarro_TheSuicideMachines.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Colin Scummy Morrison joins the podcast this week! 

Direct download: MHHp197_Colin_Scummy_Morrison.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Paul Marc Rousseau of Silverstein. Life on tour can be demanding to say the least, but Mike and Paul talk all about how to make it a life style to have in which to have fun. So hold tight as the show moves from Warped Tour to childhood while making a quick stop up north that will have you saying Oh Canada, and then learn a little about light beer from two music engineers.

A little more from Silverstein
It takes numbers to craft a movement out of sound. It takes numbers, and it takes throat, calloused fingers, worn out joints, and a sea of voices singing along. It takes numbers, and it takes work. It takes playing basements and community centers as much as it takes stages, and festivals. It takes years of dedication, sincerity, and community. And yet, only a few artists are so honored as to become synonymous with their era. Since 2000, Silverstein has kept its roots firmly planted in the terrain of post- hardcore. Sixteen years later, the genre is impossible to talk about without mentioning this seminal group.  


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

Try ZipRecruiter for FREE Today. The Best Way to Post Jobs and Hire Fast. As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen & rate them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business. All Candidates in One Place.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Big Paul [5:30]
Warped Tour T Shirts [8:45]
A Warped workout [10:30]
From tech to star [13:15]
The Warped heat [16:00]
Following your dream [20:00]
Silverstein this year [22:00]
People like different [25:00]
Off the warped tour record [29:00]
 Keep it light… Beer [33:00]
The Pod goes Hockey [:]
Paul outside the band [37:30]
Oh Canada! [40:15]
On the record [44:00]
Mike and Paul the engineers [46:00]
The Music business changes [53:00]

Notable Links Discussed:
Protest the Hero
Ed Sheeran
The Rocket Summer

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

Direct download: MHHp196_PaulMarcRousseau_Silverstein.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

MHH 195 - Glenn Holmes - Box-n-Burn Academy Trainer and Personal Trainer

This weeks guest is Glenn Holmes. Mike and Glenn go Chit for Chat while hanging out VIP style at Musink! Learn all about what makes Glenn one of LA’s most successful trainers and what makes Mikes breakfast burritos some of the best in Bremerton! You’re gonna laugh, you’re gonna cry, and even get some weight loss advice from the best in the business so sit back, pump up the volume and take it all in.  

Per Glenn was born and raised in North West England, he has been surrounded and involved with sports his whole life. Growing up as a boxing fan, Glenn pursued the sport upon his permanent move to Los Angeles in 2006, and having competed as an amateur boxer and competitive distance runner too, Glenn is now excelling as one of LA’s most successful and sought after personal trainers. His daily schedule includes working with a wide mix of amazing people from professional fighters, high profile musicians and actors, boxing and fitness enthusiasts and every day gym goers who all share the common interest and passion of training hard and enjoying boxing as a means to better themselves physically and mentally.

Box N Burn
Box N Burn Academy


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

At Blue Apron we send you higher quality food at a better value . By cutting out the middle man and delivering ingredients at their freshest.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
Glenn gets started [7:45]
Box N Burn [10:30]
Weight Loss advice [13:30]
Adapting to life [18:00]
A day in Glenn’s life [21:00]
Glenn gets into Boxing [28:30]
Glenn’s boxing life [30:15]
Boxings Back! [32:00]
Mikes boxing gloves [36:00]
BNB Academy [41:00]
Fitness drummer boy [44:00]
All green no brown [48:30]
I Love LA [53:00]

Notable Links Discussed:
Tony Jeffries
Pumping Iron
Travis Barker


Direct download: MHHp195_GlennHolmes_Box_n_Burn_Trainer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Phil Moon Valjean Sneed, Story of the Year/Greek Fire joins the podcast this week.

Direct download: MHHp194_Phil_Moon_Valjean_Sneed.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

David Bazen, Pedro the Lion, joins the Mike Herrera Hour this week! He takes us way back into the the early days of Pedro the Lion & the Seattle Music Scene in the early 90s.

So call the Priests and Paramedics because you’re not going to know what hit you! Mike and Dave start out reminiscing about the past and move quickly into what it’s like coming from a family of musicians and how it shapes your life. Then the guys discuss the secrets behind writing music and how Dave uses house shows to keep that music alive.

More on David Bazan

Per wiki David Bazan is an indie rock singer-songwriter from Seattle, Washington. Bazan was the lead singer and creative force behind the band Pedro the Lion and was the lead singer of Headphones. In early 2006, he began performing and recording under his own name.

Curse Your Branches (September 1, 2009)
Strange Negotiations (May 24, 2011)
Blanco (May 13, 2016)
Dark Sacred Night (November 11, 2016)
Care (March 7, 2017)




Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:
Try ZipRecruiter for FREE Today. The Best Way to Post Jobs and Hire Fast. As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen & rate them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business. All Candidates in One Place.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Mike and Dave the early years [2:00]
A family of musicians [10:00]
Exploit the old ideas [12:00]
David and the movie [16:30]
The house show game is strong [18:00]
Dave has shows and more to come [31:45]
Working but not working [37:00]
Winter is coming [39:00]
Priests and Paramedics [42:30]
The brain diary [46:30]
Strange harmony [51:30]
Dave's new music [58:00]

Notable Links Discussed:
Cormac McCarthy
Jeremy Enigk

Direct download: MHHp193_David_Bazan.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Frank Carter of Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes. Frank takes us through the ups and downs of his career and the events that changed his perspective on music and ultimately changed the direction of his life.

More on Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes

English band formed in 2015 by former Gallows and Pure Lovefrontman Frank Carter, they released one EP in May 2015 called Rotten and launched their debut album Blossom in August 2015. They revealed their second studio album, entitled Modern Ruin, on 28 September 2016, which was released in January 2017 via International Death Cult.  
        Frank Carter – vocals (2015–present)
        Dean Richardson – guitars (2015–present)
        Tom 'Tank' Barclay – bass guitar (2016–present)
        Gareth Grover – drums (2016–present)

Find Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes Online:



Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


        What’s going on Frank? [3:45]
        Building The Rattlesnakes [7:00]
        Frank escapes the Gallows [13:30]
        The grind for music [20:00]
        The highs and lows create the drive [24:30]
        Rattlesnake Tone [26:30]
        The warped tour sucker punch [31:00]
        The Rattlesnakes next move [38:00]
        If Frank were king of the land [40:00]
        The vanilla people [43:00]
        Learn more than what you’re taught [46:00]
        The first boy band [48:30]
        Find your place [52:45]
        The Robot King Kong [54:30]
        Jackals [59:30]

Notable Links Discussed:
Pure Love

Direct download: MHHp192_FrankCarter.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Tobin Bawinkel of Flatfoot 56. From The Windy City to the streets of Bremerton Mike and Tobin share a lifetime of stories and experiences surviving in the world of music. From debt to family pain, music can cause crushing blows to your home life so it takes a special group of people to make it work. This is that story…..      

More on Flatfoot 56
Playing a positive-natured brand of hardcore-tinged Celtic punk, Flatfoot 56 has been unleashing itself upon America and the rest of the world for over 16 years. Forming in 2000, the Chicago natives achieved nationwide attention with their first two label-backed records, 2006’s Knuckles Up and 2007’s Jungle of the Midwest Sea. These releases built on a heavy dose of previously established regional notoriety, helping the band gain steam early on.
While each record received its fair share of acclaim, the quintet exploded onto a new level with 2010’s Black Thorn. Landing the band on a total of 9 Billboard Charts, Flatfoot 56 proved it could consistently reach an expanding audience while treading in a genre not often associated with widespread success. This success was advanced even further with song placements in the hit TV series "Sons of Anarchy" and the video game "Watchdogs".  After the success of “Blackthorn", Flatfoot 56 hit the studio yet again in 2012 to record "Toil". This album would further solidify the band as a consistent force to be reckoned with. 
   Flatfoot 56’s new album, ”Odd Boat”, was produced by Matt Allison at Atlas studios in Chicago. “We decided that since the last experience at Atlas Studios was so beneficial, we wanted to repeat it,” Bawinkel said. “We have been friends with Matt for a few years now and we love the work that he and his studio engineers do.”
Flatfoot 56 has decided to partner with Sailor’s Grave Records to help deliver the next chapter of their legacy to the world.
FOR FANS OF: Dropkick Murphys, Cock Sparrer, and Flogging Molly
Flatfoot 56 is:
Tobin Bawinkel (Lead vocals, Rhythm guitar)
Kyle Bawinkel (Bass, vocals)
Brandon Good (Mandolin, Guitar, and vocals)  
Eric McMahon (Bagpipes, Guitar, and vocals)
Conrad Allsworth (Drums, vocals)

Find Flatfoot 56 online:


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

Try ZipRecruiter for FREE Today. The Best Way to Post Jobs and Hire Fast. As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen & rate them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business. All Candidates In One Place.

At Blue Apron we send you higher quality food at a better value . By cutting out the middle man and delivering ingredients at their freshest.

Merch Arsenal

The Arsenal. Your Friendly neighborhood webstore. A mom and pop in every sense of the word. MXPX and more.

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
    •    MxPx Shows [8:00]
    •    The Windy City [9:15]
    •    Sports and a bad joke [14:00]
    •    The grain silo [18:30]
    •    7 new planets [23:00]
    •    Death Cruz [25:00]
    •    The tour slows down [27:30]
    •    The Industry crash [32:00]
    •    Tobin the teacher [36:00
    •    The Public school Strike [38:00]
    •    Tobin the driver [45:00]
    •    The rise of connection [48:30]
    •    Flatfoot 56 Shows

Notable Links Discussed:
Flogging Molly
Dropkick Murphys
Cock Sparrer



Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHP191_TobinBawinkel_Flatfoot56.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Matt Henson, 1st Army Sgt, and Noi!se Oi Punk. Take the podcast survey:

This week is all about the music as Mike sits down with Front man of Oi Punk Band Noi!se. Mike and Matt start at the beginning of Noi!se and how they gained steam as an Oi band when it is proving impossible for others to do the same. They talk about what sets their music apart and Matt's life in the army that helps with writing and bringing the music to life.    


Find Noi!se online:

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Please take a few minutes to do my Survey HERE and it will help me pick advertising that is relevant to you! Thank you!

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


    •    Noi!se History [2:00]
    •    What is Oi? [4:00]
    •    Noi!se Themes [6:30]
    •    The first big show [9:30]
    •    Music not riches [16:00]
    •    The Bieber attacks [18:30]
    •    Noi!se behind the scenes [22:00]
    •    We need hugs [28:00]
    •    Deployment [31:00]
    •    Setting the music apart [40:00]
    •    The bonus army [42:00]
    •    Stadium Way [47:00]
    •    Mike Outback [51:30]
    •    Career Man [57:00]    
    •    Overtime - Mike reads and answers a listener email [1:00]
    •    Dull the Pain - Noi!se [105:00]


Notable Links Discussed:
The Noise Army
Lars Frederiksen
Cock Sparrer



Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHp190_MattHenson_1st_Sgt_Noise_Oi_Punk.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Josh Farley, Kitsap Sun Reporter.

Direct download: MHHp189_JoshFarley_Kitsap_Sun_Reporter.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 3:04pm PST

marketing, podcasting, writing and blogging. 

This weeks guest is Justin Jackson of….. well a lot of stuff! Justin hits the digital world punch after punch after punch. Blogs, podcast, video, you name it and the chances are he’s done it. Justin is big into asking why and this episode is no different so sit back while Mike and Justin spend time theorizing why people do what they do and how others can use that information to get heard over the masses and make it in the world of the internet.  

Find Justin!
Blog YouTube Twitter Instagram Mega Maker Podcast

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

Try ZipRecruiter for FREE Today. The Best Way to Post Jobs and Hire Fast. As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen & rate them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business. All Candidates In One Place.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


•    Here’s Justin! [7:30]
•    Getting noticed [12:00]
•    Behind the hidden glass [17:00]
•    Keep Giving[22:30]
•    Identity Theory [25:00]
•    We all grew up [28:00]
•    The Story of Eddie [34:30]
•    Art is the job [40:30]
•    Keep it real [42:30]
•    Test the idea [47:00]
•    Rise above the noise [51:30]
•    The digital theory [53:30]

Notable Links Discussed:
Augmented Reality

Jobs to be Done:

Book: Competing Against Luck

Book: When Coffee & Kale Compete


How to discover the hidden benefits of your product

Based on two principles:

1. Everyone wants to make progress within their current situation

2. People "hire" products + services + experiences to make their life better

So the question you need to ask is: "How does my art, my music, my thing, make people more awesome? How does it help them make progress in their lives?

Now why do kids stop listening to bands?

"The music is no longer helping them make progress in their life."

What's the key to longevity in music?

You've gotta stay ahead of the fan: keep giving them progress. And you're seeing that now with MxPx. Now people are back into the music because of the nostalgia factor.

But people "hire" MxPx for other reasons:



Why do people like this video? :

what "jobs" are people hiring MxPx for?

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHp188_JustinJackson_MegaMaker_and_Author.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Darrin Pfieffer from Goldfinger is back on the podcast to talk life after Goldfinger. 

Direct download: MHHp187_DarrinPfieffer_Drummer_on_Life_after_Goldfinger.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Catch up with Slick Shoes! Weird stories, music and more.

Direct download: MHHp186_SlickShoes.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

MHH 185 – Tom Chichila- Life of a Creative- Agent/Manager

This weeks guest….. The Man, The Myth, The Chichila! That’s right folks, Tom Chichila is real and he’s here! Mike and Tom have another conversation just as they always do but this time Mike hits record. Get ready to dive into the background of the music life where all the hard work happens to make those amazing memories from 25 years and 20 pounds ago. Learn how Tom manages to stay a fan of the music while becoming one of the hardest working managers in the industry!     


Find Tom online:

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Undercover Boss [3:30]
•    The Good Boss [6:45]
•    The Boss and the General [9:45]
•    Tom’s all about that business[15:45]
•    Tom’s a fan too [18:00]
•    The Show Business [22:00]
•    Chick Magnet derailed [26:30]
•    The easy Boss [33:00]
•    Booking agent stuff [40:00]
•    The after high school gut [47:00]
•    Don’t fight the fans [53:00]

Notable People Discussed:
•    Chick Magnet Derailed Video
•    Pierce The Veil
•    Unwritten Law



Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE



Direct download: MHHp185_Tom_Chichila_Life_of_a_Creative.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Hallie Bulleit of Hiccup and The Chris Gethard Show. From the Mike Herrera Song, to Broadway, to TV, Hallie seems to have done it all. Hit play and follow the show notes to enjoy a walk through the life of this multi-talented musician.   


Don’t forget to connect:

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors: Start cooking tomorrow!


(read’em, learn’em, love’em)
Background, Context & Reference:
•    MxPx Shows [1:30]
•    The Mike Herrera Song [7:30]
•    From Theater to Video [14:00]
•    Be inspired[21:00]
•    Have a routine [24:00]
•    Writing vs Writing [27:00]
•    Hallie’s Process [28:30]
•    The Live Show [34:30]
•    Hallie and the bass [35:30]
•    Bad to the Bone [38:00]
•    Know what you’re good at [40:00]
•    Limited Time [43:00]
•    Hallie Hiccup [46:00]
•    Life’s dirty little Secret [51:00]

Notable People Discussed:
•    Mike Herrera Song
•    Goldfinger
•    Dogwood
•    The War of Art
•    The Chris Gethard Show
•    The Chris Gethard Show tickets


Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play

Direct download: MHHp184_Hallie_Bulleit_Actor_Writer_Musician_Unlovable.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks episode is a JABBERJAW crossover! Join Mike and guest Dewey Halpaus of the Peer Pleasure Podcast as they cover MxPx and some of what’s happening in 2017, take a quick dip into the first TumbleDown tour and get some insight into what it’s really like to be a podcaster.


Don’t forget to follow The Peer Pleasure Podcast


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Lunch Break Podcast [5:00]
•    MxPx Shows [8:30]
•    An MxPx Distraction [13:45]
•    Train your Body [16:00]
•    Not the same young Mike [17:30]
•    25 Years and running [23:00]
•    Tumbledown Tour [25:00]
•    Let’s get to work [27:30]
•    To Podcast or not to Podcast [30:00]
•    Everyone has a story [40:30]
•    Mike stays Zen [44:00]
•    Inconvenient Anger [49:00]
•    Warp Tour Girl [46:45]

Notable People Discussed:
•    Peer Pleasure Podcast
•    Goldfinger
•    Dogwood


Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp183_Dewey_Halpaus_on_Peer_Pleasure_Podcast.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Daniel G Harmann of DistroKid and The Trouble Starts. As 2016 winds to an end Mike and Daniel tackle a variety of topics so large you’re bound to love this year ending episode! So sit back and get ready to laugh, cry, and maybe even get a tad angry as Mike and Daniel talk music at the airport, a muse driven ukulele, ghost, things the world needs and some it dosen’t, Trump, and even a little Star Wars. Happy New Years everyone!    

The get Daniel's NEW album "Slowing Down" click the Music link below!

Don’t forget to follow Daniel!

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Mics Not Dead [3:00]
•    At the airport [4:30]
•    The Trouble Starts [10:00]
•    The talking ukulele [12:00]
•    Ghost [13:15]
•    Daniel wants answers [14:30]
•    The world needs…or not [17:00]
•    Let’s get things right [21:00]
•    Trump [23:00]
•    Is it real? [27:30]
•    Distro Kid [30:30]
•    What’s new for 2017 [41:00]
•    A happy ending [46:45]
•    Star Wars [54:00]

Notable People Discussed:
•    DistroKid
•    Sub Pop
•    Neumos
•    Bob Lang Studios

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! This is the last episode before Christmas but we'll be back next week with one last brand new episode before we finally kick 2016 out the back door. Hope you are healthy and happy!

This weeks guest is Jason Hockney Zeimet. Well 2016 is nearing an end so naturally Jason and Mike talk about all the good and bad things of 2016. They cover new MxPx song releases, whiskey, turning 40, and even a little Walking Dead so grab your barbwire bat, headphones and get ready to charge into 2017!

Find Jason online:
Here’s his Instagram and Imgrum
And Twitter

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Free MxPx Songs [2:00]
•    Mike Writes [5:00]
•    Inside MxPx [8:30]
•    Life or Death Whiskey [11:00]
•    All about time [13:45]
•    Mike at 40 [17:00]
•    Worst Movie Trend 2016 [19:30]
•    TV Time 2016 [21:00]
•    Negan [22:45]
•    Shows Mike Likes [28:00]
•    They [35:00]
•    Music of 2016 [47:00]
•    The Pipeline [55:00]

Notable People Discussed:
•    Pappy Van Winkle
•    The Menzingers
•    Nahko
•    Chance The Rapper



Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp181_2016_Recap_Hi_Lows_Jason_Hockney_Zeimet.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Will Pugh of the band Cartel joins the podcast. Producing, work, surviving burnout, Nashville music scene, song writing…

Direct download: MHHp180_WILL_PUGH_Cartel_Producer_Songwriter_in_Nashville.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks guest is Joe Moxley of Legionnaire! It’s been ten years since the launch of Legionnaire so Mike and Joe sit down and talk about everything that has changed over time and where the company is headed. Some times in business it’s good to keep up with the trends but other times it’s best to stay true to what you’re passionate about. Also the drunk Vegas Uber story is pretty great so put on those headphones, hit play and enjoy the ride.

Don’t forget to follow Legionnaire!

Here's the Facebook
Here’s the Instagram
Here’s the Twitter
Here’s the Legionnaire Store

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Joe’s back in school [4:30]
•    Eyebrow Tattoos [9:30]
•    Legionnaire [11:30]
•    Making changes [18:30]
•    Legionnaire Origin [20:00]
•    Old is the new new [26:00]
•    History means more [31:00]
•    This internet thing [36:30]
•    What’s Joe into now? [41:00]
•    Sweet Water Tattoo [44:00]
•    Vegas. Drinks. Uber [47:00]
•    MxPx 25 years [55:00]

Notable People Discussed:
•    Legionnaire
•    MxPx
•    Sweet Water Collective

Direct download:
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST


This weeks guest is Stacy Jones of American Hi-Fi, Letters to Cleo and the Miley Cyrus Band. Stacy has done just about everything you can in the music world. Drummer, Front man, producer, director, and honestly anything else you can think of. Stacy, Mike, and Jake bring this episode in like a wrecking ball so sit back and find out how some hard work and a little bit of luck can change your life.    

Find Stacy online:

Here's his Twitter
Here’s his Instagram

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:
Jack Threads (enter promo code Mike)


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Baby tours the world! [2:00]
•    Stacy has a lot of hats [5:00]
•    Stacy goes to school [7:00]
•    Letters to Cleo [15:30]
•    How HiFi started [19:00]
•    Be yourself [21:45]
•    Stacy becomes a producer [29:45]
•    Hard work and blind luck [33:30]
•    Being a music director [36:00]
•    When we were kids [42:00]
•    The Ever Passing Moment [44:15]
•    Stacy every day life [47:00]
•    What Stacy’s doing now [56:00]

Notable People Discussed:
•    Meg and Dia
•    Beavis and Butthead
•    Flaming Lips
•    Steve Jordan
•    The Pixies
•    The Lemonheads
•    Neil Peart


Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walkintothelightphotography for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp178_StacyJones.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weeks episode is all MxPx. The boys hit the road for a Descendents show so naturally in the car Mike pulls out the mic and the stories start coming out. So put on those headphones, sit back, and listen to Mike, Tom, and Yuri cover Trump, music, snacks, drinks and all the things that make life fun. These photos were from a trip to Silver City Brewery with the guys. We got a tour of the whole place and more than enough to drink!

Follow the band MxPx!

Here’s The Facebook
Here’s The Instagram
Here’s the Twitter

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:
Jack Threads (enter promo code Mike)

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    Road Trip! [6:30]
•    MxPx Shows [9:00]
•    Trump [9:40]
•    The Descendents [13:00]
•    Everything Sucks [18:00]
•    Yuri Drinks [26:30]
•    Tom passes out [32:30]
•    Mikes Rock [35:30]
•    Back to The Descendents [38:30]
•    Portland [43:45]
•    Secret tapes and leaks [47:00]
•    Election stuff [50:00]
•    MxPx cover song [55:45]

Notable People Discussed:
•    MxPx
•    Shades Apart
•    NOFX
•    The Descendents
•    The Clash
•    Tom Petty
•    Bill Stevenson

Direct download: MHHp177_Roadcast_with_YuriRuley_Tom__and_Kelly_Wisniewski.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Broadway Calls, punk scene, growing up, making records, songwriting…

Direct download: MHHp176_TyVaughn_BroadwayCalls.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike catches up with Robert Garza while in Texas! Cryo-therapy, Ju Jitsu, Personal Growth, Entrepreneurship. 

MHH 174 - Matty Mullins

This week’s guest is Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire.
In this episode we revisit that old phrase “location, location, location”. Mike, Matty, and Jake discuss Matty’s life growing up in the small town of Spokane and the musical experience that eventually took him across the country to become the rockin’ entrepreneur he is today.      

Follow Matty Online:
Here’s his Twitter
Here’s the Facebook
And of course Instagram


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsor: Berklee Online

Berklee Online allows students to get a Berklee education from anywhere in the world. Learn more at

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Background, Context & Reference:
•    MxPx Shows! [0:30]
•    Here’s Matty [7:15]
•    Matty has Spokane [10:45]
•    Matty moves to Dallas [14:30]
•    Find your path [15:50]
•    It’s Better than soda [19:30]
•    On Point [21:20]
•    Matty’s choice [33:00]
•    Music marketing [34:45]
•    MMF New Record! [39:00]
•    Matty meets Jacoby [43:45]
•    Seasons of life [46:00]
•    Remember the good times [49:00]
•    Hungry for music [53:45]

Notable People Discussed:

•    On Point Pomade
•    Memphis May Fire
•    Rise Records
•    Beechers

Direct download: MHHp174_Matty_Mullins_Memphis_May_Fire.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Leanor Ortega from Five Iron Frenzy joins the podcast this week! 

Local musician and World traveler, James Hunnicutt joins the podcast. Business, music, goals, travel, Dakota pipeline.

Direct download: MHHp172_James_Hunnicutt_Man_on_a_Mission.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Raw real and soul searching episode with @KeatonPierce of @TooCloseToTouch.

Soccer talk, music, starting a band, getting a record deal, Epitaph Records...

Direct download: MHHp171_KeatonPierce_TooClosetoTouch.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Casey Crescenzo from The Dear Hunter joins the podcast this week to talk the Singularity, Memories, music, and even head transplants.

This week’s guest is Casey Crescenzo.

Casey is a singer/song writer and is most notably known for his work in bands The Dear Hunter, and The Receiving End of Sirens. In episode 170 Mike and Casey cover a wide variety of interesting topics that range from head transplants to video rotoscoping. So kick back, enjoy yourself, and maybe even learn some stuff.


Where might I learn more about Casey Crescenzo you ask?

Here’s his Twitter

Here’s his Wiki

And of course Instagram


Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Listen on Stitcher | on Jabber Jaw
#mikeherrerahour airs on  @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days
Live on IDOBI Radio


Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

Merch Arsenal


Online:Website|YouTube|Facebook| Twitter|Instagram


(read’em, learn’em, love’em)

Background, Context & Reference:

  • Ten years of music [3:30]
  • Rotoscope  [10:00]
  • Where’s Casey [13:50]
  • Back to videos [14:15]
  • A new head [15:45]
  • Downloading memories [19:30]
  • Subjective Experience [24:00]
  • Connecting to the audience [27:45]
  • Times change so we change [36:45]
  • Advice from Mike [40:30]
  • Act 5 What’s next [46:00]
  • How to find Casey [52:00]
  • MxPx Show Announcement [55:00]

Notable People Discussed:



Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walkintothelightphotography for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of  this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.


Tell Your Friends & Share Online!

Subscribe & Review: iTunes Stitcher Google Play

Bookmark & Use the Amazon Banner Ad: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

Direct download: MHHp170_CaseyCrescenzo_TheDearHunter.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Finding your voice with Bradley Walden of Emarosa. 

This week’s guest is Bradley Walden
Bradley is the front man for post-hardcore band Emarosa. In this week’s episode Bradley walks Mike through his transition from military firefighter to Warped Tour Legend and all around grounded person. Know what you want to do, tone your craft, and respect the music.
Where might I learn more about Bradley Walden you ask?
Here’s his Twitter  Instagram and band Emarosa

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

(read’em, learn’em, love’em)
Background, Context & Reference:
•    No more genres [3:00]
•    Bradley’s Story [3:50]
•    Bradley finds his voice [6:00]
•    Tone your craft [11:50]
•    24hr Voice fix [14:25]
•    Music responsibility(what’s that) [21:00]
•    Juggling life [30:55]
•    Song writing [31:50]
•    Be prepared [37:50]
•    Humble yourself [41:50]
•     Put away your perception [48:00]
•    Breast feeding [53:20]
•    A Kung Fu good bye [58:00]
Notable People Discussed:
•    Every Time I Die
•    Fall Out Boy
•    Willie King
•    Warped Tour
•    Melissa Cross

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walkintothelightphotography for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.


• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Banner Ad: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHp169_Finding_your_voice_with_Bradley_Walden_of_Emarosa.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST


MHH168 - Documentary Film Maker Shaun Colon breaks down as best he can how much work was put into the brand new punkumentary all about Fat Wreck Chords and the unlikely legacy of ethics, chosen family and punk music.

A Fat Wreck covers a ton of ground regarding the history and legacy bands on Fat and we get into that as well as the day to day tactics and habits it took to get this film made. The Fat Wreck Chords community wanted this documentary and they showed it by funding 2 separate rounds of online crowdfunding.

There's some further context in this conversation about the interviews with Fat Mike, some of Shaun's experiences getting interviews that could certainly enhance your enjoyment of the film. So I feel pretty good about this in general. You know me, I love hearing about the tactics and workflows of artists and makers. Shaun is no exception. He used not only his skills as a film maker but also used sheer patience and endurance to get some of the shots for this. We get well into the actual film itself as well as how it was made. Another good one. Thanks for listening.

MHH 168 How to Make a Fat Wreck with Shaun Colon (Director)

Country: USA, Running Time: 85min
A FAT WRECK tells the story of founders Fat Mike (of the legendary punk band NOFX) and his ex-wife Erin Kelly-Burkett, spanning the birth, growth, struggles, and survival of the Fat Wreck Chords label. Half inspirational story of chosen family and community, half debauchery and occasionally involuntary drug use, the film blazes exciting new ground in the cinematic genre of puppet-driven punk rock music documentary filmmaking. Arguably the best film in the history of American cinema featuring a dominatrix spanking a puppet.
Where might I learn more about A FAT WRECK you ask?
Here’s the Trailer
Here’s the Twitter
Here’s the Facebook
And of course Instagram

On this week’s episode Mike and Shaun dive into the creation of A FAT WRECK while taking a walk through Punk Rocks history such as NOFX, Propagandhi, Punk Rock Bowling and of course Fat Mike

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

(read’em, learn’em, love’em)
Background, Context & Reference:
•    Introduction of Shaun Colon [1:53]
•    What A FAT WRECK is all about [3:27]
•    Finding the story [7:47]
•    Laying out the backbone [11:25]
•    Propagandhi [16:17]
•    Fat Mike [21:09]
•    The Beef of Fat Mike and Ben Weasel [30:10]
•    Shaun sets his goals [44:30]
•    Don’t forget to live your life [51:05]
•    Where to find A FAT WRECK [52:00]
•    Shaun takes us to film school [53:25]
Notable People Discussed:
•    Fat Mike
•    Propagandhi
•    Greg Pratt
•    NOFX

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walkintothelightphotography for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers ofthis blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

Direct download: MHHp168_Documentary_Film_Maker_ShaunColon_A_Fat_Wreck.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

My guest is doing good things and hustling to make it in a tough business. Show business.

We go deep into some heavy tactics for script writing and making movies at any level. This is perfect for anyone out there looking to take their creativity to the next level. I'm always fascinated with the granular view of how high functioning people actually DO what they do.

Chris Jay is a musician, songwriter, screenwriter, producer, actor, journalist and podcaster best known as the frontman and founder of the rock band, Army of Freshmen and for co-writing and acting in the comedy film, The Bet.

Upon graduation, he moved, by himself, to Ventura, California where he formed the band, Army of Freshmen in 1997. Army of Freshmen are still active and have played over 1,500 shows in 43 states and 11 countries and released 5 full-length albums. Jay himself has been involved in the writing, producing and recording of over 1,500 songs, with several of those appearing in films and on television.

Chris Jay and fellow Army of Freshmen member, Aaron Goldberg wrote the screenplay for the full-length comedy film, The Bet which was released on July 26, 2016. Jay and Goldberg co-produced they film under their production company, Goldy Jay Productions.

Their second film, Wedding or Not is currently in pre-production and scheduled to begin filming in the summer of 2017. - Jay's Wikipedia for show and Merch info. for the love.

Garret Rapp of The Color Morale joins the podcast this week. We talk about the Cornerstone Festival, Warped Tour, Charities and thoughts on depression and happiness. Real talk.

  Later in the podcast I tell a very personal story about my balls. So hide your children cause it gets graphic.

MHH166 - Garret gets on the phone as they get to a rare day off on the Van's Warped Tour. We talk about the new album,Desolate Divine that's out today and we go way into why some festivals thrive (Van's Warped Tour) and why others have gone the way of the buffalo (Cornerstone Festival).

Other Topics:

Band Happy,  tactics for everyday success and happiness. Mentoring, connecting, Hope for the day, Heart support, Depression, Happiness,

 The Color Morale 

Garret Rapp [lead vocals, keys]
Aaron Saunders [rhythm guitar, vocals]
Devin King [lead guitar]
Mike Honson [bass]
Steve Carey [drums]

For the Rockford, IL quintet, treading new territory has uncovered their most poetic, potent, and powerful body of work to date in their fifth studio album,Desolate Divine, which captures the band’s palpable aggression through expansive production, yielding to a bigger sonic backdrop, while preserving the sense of emotional vulnerability they’re known for. Following the success of early albums, We All Have Demons [2009], My Devil in Your Eyes [2011], and Know Hope [2013], the group received a 2014Alternative Press Music Awards nomination in the category of “Best Breakthrough Band.” Shortly after, Hold On Pain Ends debuted at #28 on the Billboard Top 200 upon release—the group’s highest chart position yet. The recording process for Desolate Divine marks a first for the musicians as they enlisted multiple producers and songwriters to perfect the dynamic sound they wanted to achieve—Dan Korneff [Pierce The Veil, The Devil Wears Prada], Erik Ron [Panic! At The Disco, Saosin], Scott Stevens [Shinedown, Halestorm, Nothing More], Arnold Lanni [Simple Plan], and Matt Wentworth. Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time diehard, you’ve likely never heard The Color Morale like this before, as the band remains unflinchingly real and unashamedly ambitious in Desolate Divine, slated for an August 2016 release. (

Direct download: MHHp166_GarretRapp_TheColorMorale_on_Depression_and_Happiness.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Live Performance, DI, Touring, Growing up in Virginia, Humans, Politics, Stoics, Philosophy of life, work ethic, job interview, Waiting the movie.’

MHH165 with traveler and songwriter Mike Frazier

Live in studio performance where I also sit in on guitar on brand new song Big Sky and his currrent single that also happens to be a fun impression of the absurdity of the Donald Trump candidacy and unfathomable narcisism of US politics, The Parrot King.


DIY shows and promoting, Geneva Records, Touring, Trump and how he wrote a song about him.

2nd Half - My friend and now apprentice John Boyce joins me on the second half of the podcast. We get into


Interviewing for a Job. John actually interviews me for a position as a server. This alone is worth the price of admission.

How the Apprenticeship is going and what he's learning. We were really just two guys having a conversation which is kind of nice too. These podcasts are always fun for me.

 favorite things 

Hip Hop Hardcore with Tayves Pelletier @kingyosef_ @cogentofficial and Photographer Ryan McKinnon @RjMKinnon.

iPhone Photography, Product Design, Start Ups with Erik Hedberg, Co-Founder and Designer of Moment App + lenses. Check out Moment here:

MHH163 @moment lens and app startup co founder/ designer Erik Hedberg joins me on the show to talk about his success and vision for a small company that's growing by leaps and bounds.
We discuss a lot here but it is mostly in hte vein of Mobile Photography, Manufacturing, origins of
Startup tactics, Kickstarter, Design, content communities, seattle, remote working, local business and artist communities, Moment Camera App

Listen to the#mikeherrerahour on
@IDOBIradio -Fri/Sun 8PM ET/5PT
@IDOBIradio -Tues Morning at 11am EST

or click and listen here on this site.

follow on instagram @moment @e21 or the website and the blog about mobile photography in Chicago by Neal Kumar

 Mobile Photos of Chicago 
Direct download: MHH163_ErikHedberg_Moment_CoFounder_and_Designer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Sherri Dupree Bemis on the new Eisley recording, being a mom, staying optimistic and keeping it real. 

@SDupreeBemis on all Socials. @Eisley

Sponsored by


Sherri sings in @Eisley, Lives in a pink house in TX but travels often. Her days are spent loving her family and drinking gross amounts of coffee. Twit/Snap :sdupreebemis

Music, Family and a whole life of whimsical delights in this episode. MHH162

The 411 on the new Eisley studio album produced by Will Yip
The past and future of the band
Home and family life in East Texas
Social Media
Mentors growing up
Strengths and Weaknesses
Recording process
Eisley Home Studio


Direct download: MHHp162_Sherri_Dupree_Bemis_Eisley.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

The nightmare and what kitchen life is really like with MASTER CHEF and ENTREPRENEUR JOHN NESBY. He and his wife own and operate the Green Light Diner in Poulsbo, WA.

John drops knowledge about food, business, mushroom hunting, clean food, and he even shares a nice simple Avacodo recipe.


The nightmare and what kitchen life is really like with MASTER CHEF and ENTREPRENEUR
JOHN NESBY. He and his wife own and operate the Green Light Diner in Poulsbo, WA.

 Green Light Diner 

John drops knowledge about food, business, mushroom hunting, clean food, and he even shares a nice simple Avacodo recipe. Mise en place.

Mise en place was very interesting to me because it's also what I think of as a musician. I have tools and I do enjoy them in their own place.

(French pronunciation: [mi zɑ̃ ˈplas]) is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place." It refers to the set up required before cooking, and is often used in professional kitchens to refer to organizing and arranging the ingredients (e.g., cuts of meat, relishes, sauces, par-cooked items, spices, freshly chopped vegetables, and other components) that a cook will require for the menu items that are expected to be prepared during a shift. -wikipedia

Mor Mor
Green Light Diner

For next time... This is a text I just got from John about the podcast. I will have him back on this summer so send in your cooking questions and I'll ask him. Here's the text:

"I'm bummed, we never even got to talk outdoor grill cookery.  Hour flew by. I've been obsessed with my grill lately.  I cook everything on that thing and have begun incorporating thrift shop antique lodgeware cast iron pans onto the grill for some of the most amazing and simple "clean" dishes ever.  I'm even doing grilled garden vegetable scrambles and cooking the whole thing outdoors at home.  It's so good. Grilled zucchini, crooked neck squash, charred potatoes with green onions, bacon and cast iron scrambled eggs, topped with sea salt and Chulula Sauce. That's what Chef eats at home these days."

Direct download: MHHp161_Master_Chef_John_Nesby.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Get inspired as we talk Zen this week. Also, thoughts on the new Blink182 album! 

Direct download: MHHp160_My_Journey_of_Self_Discovery_Podcast.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Ryan Holiday is back on the podcast with news about his new book, Why Ego is the Enemy. Philosophy, stoicism, and Kanye West! 

Direct download: MHH159_Why_Ego_is_the_Enemy_RYAN_HOLIDAY.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike chats with the guys of Millencolin about American politics, beer, travel, and their new album, True Brew. Then Tom and Yuri join him for a recap of the LA shows.

Direct download: MHHp158_MXPX_and_Millencolin.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 8:00pm PST

Songs, image, collaboration and Austria's own Arnold. 
@Marcus_Smaller joins Mike this week.

Direct download: MHHp157_How_to_be_yourself_with_Marcus_Smaller.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Lyndsey, Brian and Alex from PVRIS join Mike while on the road in Seattle. They chat about recording their recent record, what's coming up studio wise, haunted venues, life on the road and much more! Find them online at and on Twitter:

Direct download: MHHp156_PVRIS_ExclusiveInterview.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Member of Bremerton Bands Neutral Boy and The Enemies Of join Mike this week.

Direct download: MHH155_PunkRockStories_with_NeutralBoy_and_TheEnemiesOf.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Shane Told, lead singer of Silverstein joins Mike this week. 

Shane Told has a story to tell and he does it well, first with his band Silverstein, but second his solo material River Oaks, or now his recent endeavor into the fray of podcasting with a great show called Lead Singer Syndrome where he talks to… yup, lead singers about the craft, the life, the layers of the people you listen to sing their hearts out. It's a great concept and I'm gonna be on the program soon enough. Stay tuned for that as well. Here's a little bio from his page but the sure way to enlightenment is to listen to this episode.

"What is it like to be one of the most important members of a band? Shane Told, frontman of the critically-acclaimed rock band Silverstein, brings you candid interviews with all of your favorite singers on this podcast. Is it really all sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll? Find out for yourself on Lead Singer Syndrome." -


In this episode we know we are being watched and listened to but you'll have to listen to really grasp the creepiness of what we are talking about.

This is also the first episode of the Mike Herrera Hour in collaboration with Jabber Jaw. It's a way to collaborate more on the podcasting end of things. I like what Shane is doing and I'm liking the Break it Down Podcast with Matt Carter. In terms of content, those two shows go with my show pretty well. So we're all in good company. Another easy way to get to the show and other great shows. Click the link below to see my page on Jabber Jaw.

Mike Herrera Hour on Jabber Jaw


Check out Shane's projects:

Lead Singer Syndrome Podcast:

Solo project:


Direct download: MHH154_ShaneTold_Silvertein.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Drummer Travis Barker joins Mike this week! 

Blink-182 rehearsals, work ethic and passion for music, Travis’ love for hip-hop and his career into that after Blink- 182 and The Transplants broke up. The benefit gig with Goldfinger, Mike and Travis. He also talks about recording with Matt Skiba after Tom Delonge’s exit.  Business, Crossroads Restaurant in LA, family life with his kids, MTV reality show, how surviving a plane crash changed his life perspective, drug abuse, relationships and tons more! 

MHH153- Travis was on his way home from Blink 182 rehearsals when I got a chance to catch up with him on the phone. We talked about a ton of topics. We got into his day to day routines to bigger sweeping life changes and that includes some behind the scenes talk on making the new Blink 182 album with record producer and Goldfinger front man, John Feldmann.

They just released the first single off the album called, Bored to Death. It sounds really good and I love how open the verses are. Just go to to check it out.

If the photos below confuse you and you are wondering what this band is with Travis, Feldy, Frank (Feeble) and yours truly is. It was called Travis Barker and the Res-Erections (hehe). A one off cover band throwing down with some 80's and 90's music. A loose set of fun cover songs punked up and a few Goldfinger jams too. We got together for a benefit show to raise funds for the school that Travis' kids attend. It was a really fun night and rad times were had by all. The audience saw something pretty insane that night! And yes, sometimes you just get a phone call from a friend asking for a favor and you find yourself on a non-stop flight to Los Angeles to lay down some low end. I love this life and not really knowing what's gonna happen all the time is part of what makes it so exciting. Scary too but if you aren't a little afraid of the possibilities then maybe you aren't reaching outside your comfort zone enough.

Mike and Travis will talk why cruise ships are better than airplanes, killer remixes, and the new Blink-182 record. Forget Meet the Barkers you’re about to see a whole new side of Travis as he reveals the pleasures and the pain that shaped him into a music icon. Did we mention tune-in? Tune-in and tell your friends!

Find him on Twitter: @travisbarker and @blink182.

Blink-182 rehearsals, work ethic and passion for music, Travis’ love for hip-hop and his career into that after Blink- 182 and The Transplants broke up. The benefit gig with Goldfinger, Mike and Travis. He also talks about recording with Matt Skiba after Tom Delonge’s exit.  Business, Crossroads Restaurant in LA, family life with his kids, MTV reality show, how surviving a plane crash changed his life perspective, drug abuse, relationships and tons more!

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@IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights



Travis Landon Barker (born November 14, 1975) is an American musician and producer, and the drummer for the American rock bandBlink-182. Barker has also performed as a frequent collaborator with hip-hop artists, and with the alternative rock band +44, the rap rock group the Transplants, and the alternative rock band Box Car Racer. He was a frequent collaborator with the late DJ AM, and together they formed TRV$DJAM.
After the split of his first band, Feeble, Barker began playing for the Aquabats in 1996 as the Baron Von Tito. He recorded one album with them, The Fury of The Aquabats!, in 1997. His career took off when he joined up with Blink-182 in 1998. Barker has since established himself as a versatile drummer, producing and making guest appearances in music projects of numerous music genres including hip hop, alternative rock, pop and country. He has gained significant acceptance within the hip-hop community in particular and often collaborates with artists to compose rock-tinged remixes to their songs. Barker collaborated with artists (including Game, Yelawolf, Tom Morello, Corey Taylor, Slaughterhouse, Raekwon, Busta Rhymes, RZA, Slash, and other musicians) for his solo debut album,Give the Drummer Some, which was released on March 15, 2011.
In 2011, he worked with Steve Aoki and Kid Cudi in Aoki's hit single Cudi the Kid, as part of his album Wonderland, with Barker as lead drummer.
Aside from drumming, he founded the clothing company Famous Stars and Straps in 1999 and LaSalle Records in 2004. Companies such as DC Shoes and Zildjian cymbals have co-designed products in his name. Rolling Stone referred to him as "punk's first superstar drummer." - Source: Wikipedia

Direct download: MHH153_TravisBarker_Blink182.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike talks with Ben Weasel this week! They talk about touring, his public persona, modern day music industry/society, songwriting, The Catholic Church, Outcasts, and a lot more! 

I grew up in the days where you got a cassette with an album on it. Dubbed from a dub. I didn't know what bands looked like or how many Twitter followers they had. My only evidence or context of the band was based off listening intensely to the music. My imagination ran wild with larger than life images of what the band was. But they were larger than life to me. For example. I thought the band ALL was this huge rock band just from listening to Allroy's Revenge on a dubbed cassette over and over. Even when I saw them play on a school night in 91' at the OK Hotel I still hadno idea what the band looked like. This was no different for how I discovered Screeching Weasel. My brain hurts to think back that far but I almost always think of my days ditch digging and doing manual labor and maintanance for rental apartments and duplexes. It was my buddy Rich and myself in a his truch blasting Boogada Boogada Boogada from one job to the next. Punk rock was the soundtrack to my life. Work, play, rain or shine. Screeching Weasel was there for me. Thanks for doing the podcast Ben. Take a listen and learn a few things about Ben Weasel. I didn't know what he looked like till I met him in person last year when MXPX played our first show with them in Portland, OR.

Ben Weasel (born Benjamin Foster) is a punk rock musician, best known as the lead singer and guitarist of bands Screeching Weasel and The Riverdales.

Direct download: MHH152_The_World_According_to_Ben_Weasel.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike talks with Louis Defabrizio (Gasonline Heart) about his recent experience voting for Bernie Sanders in New York City and then Michelle Ray joins to give a more conservative point of view.


If you care about how policies and legislation effects you, this episode is for you! Actually, scratch that. This episode is for everybody. We Americans live in a deeply divided country where it seems like there's no real path to solving our biggest problems. I don't know all the talking points and all the right things to say but I do get passionate about some issues in this episode of the Mike Herrera Hour.

I'm joined by Gasoline Heart's Louis DeFabrizio (@GasolineHeart) from the back of his Brooklyn where he found a spot to hide from his wife and twin baby boys for some eye witness accounting of the NY Democratic Primary Voting Day. This alone is worth tuning in but that's not all!!

In the second segment we get serious about socialism and capitalism with Conservative Radio Personality Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl)

It's a great episode you won't want to miss. Please send me a review and look at the bottom link if you wanna support the show while shopping on Amazon. Them drones will be your friend. As long as they keep dropping sweet consumer products!

TOPICS: Politics, U.S. Politics, Elections, Primaries, Voter Fraud, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Originalists, Voting, Party Politics, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Gary Johnson, Taxes, Hot Button Issues.

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@IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights

Mike takes Skype calls from friends and fans and talks to Jason Call from Daphne Loves Derby about how they got 5 million downloads.


MHH 150

How an unsigned band got 5 Million downloads while the music business was breaking and more stories from you, my friends and listeners. My main guest is Jason Call of the band Daphne Loves Derby and now Mariner. We talk about his band's space rocket to success by gaining more than 5 million downloads for just 1 song through sites like PureVolume and MySpace and how that led to a record deal, world tours. How did it happen? How did they do it? Did they hack the system or were they just the first to do it?

Special Note: This episode I'm taking your calls on skype. It was a very last minute decision to do a podcast solely based on who I could talk to via skype at that very second. Thanks to Louis DeFabrizio, Nate Allen, Thiago Messias for the chat and everyone else that I didn't get to actually talk to on the podcast. I'll do this again and it will continue to improve.

I also announce the winners of the something free from the Merch Arsenal drawing. Yes.. I do that.

TOPICS: Taxes, Small Business, Music Business, Digital Marketing, Career Arch, Life Choices.  Social Marketing - Reactions, Responses, Analytics, Statistics. Predictive Analytics

Subscribe on iTunes | Listen on Stitcher
@IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights

Direct download: MHH150_TAKING_CALLS_JasonCall_DaphneLovesDerby_5MillionDownloads.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Beebs @BeebsMoney is back on the show and we get to hear her brand new solo song, Ride Around the Sun. Amidst our talk on music, business and more she let us in on a very personal subject on her health and life.  Living in pain from Polymyalgia/Fibromyalgia. I was blown away. Had no idea. Learn about it in this episode. We also cover a few other very interesting topics including:
Routines, Float Tanks, Meditation for people who don't meditate, Music Business, Cannabinoids/CBD/Medicinal Cannabis, iOS update fail - Night Shift, Twitter Freeze Out, Tron Bikes/NASA/SpaceX

Visit her band site for more fun - BEEBS WEBSITE:

Beebs and Her Money Makers were discovered by legendary promoter Kevin Lyman and asked to join the Vans Warped Tour 2013. As they performed all 50+ days of the summer, Beebs and Her Money Makers were filmed for the 2nd Season of Warped Roadies on the FUSE Network.

Direct download: MHH149_BEEBS_Float_Tanks_Modern_Careers_Polymyalgia_Fibromyalgia.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST