The Mike Herrera Podcast

Amber Pacific is recording at Monkey Trench Studios this week… Dango and Mike took a break to record a podcast!

Find Dango on Twitter: @DangoEmpire and follow Amber Pacific: @AMBERPACIFIC.

Drumming, Tour, Nashville, Crowd Funding, Recording.

Overtime: Will Nutter and Matt Young join.

Direct download: MHHp63_Dango.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

@ryanseaman @duffs_knives @detron3000

Partycast with Ryan Seaman (Falling In Reverse) and his buddies Deeds and Duffs!

App Development - Pinyata, House of Cards, Super Bowl Rings, Business plans, Startups, Brazil and South America travel, Marketing, Recording, Producing, Corruption.

Overtime: Mxpx, Warped Tour, WuTang Selling 1 CD

Direct download: MHHp62_RyanSeaman_Deeds_Duffs.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Filmmaker Adam Scorgie joins Mike this week.
The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, The Culture High.

Marijuana, Prohibition, Addiction's Underlying Issue, Diet, Health, Fame, Pursuit of happiness, Industry life, filmmaking, podcasting, Media monopolies.

Direct download: MHHp61_AdamScorgie.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Zach Blair from Rise Against joins Mike from the road this week. Follow Rise Against on Twitter: @riseagainst

Hagfish, GWAR, Music, Marathon talking, Cable, Ft. Hood Shooting, Iraqi Veterans Against War... Overtime: SeaWorld/Blackfish, Internet, Activism, Tribute Shows - Black Flag, Descendents

Thanks for listening! Join the conversation: #mhh @mikeherreraTD

Direct download: MHHp60-_ZachBlair.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST