The Mike Herrera Podcast

Shane Told, lead singer of Silverstein joins Mike this week. 

Shane Told has a story to tell and he does it well, first with his band Silverstein, but second his solo material River Oaks, or now his recent endeavor into the fray of podcasting with a great show called Lead Singer Syndrome where he talks to… yup, lead singers about the craft, the life, the layers of the people you listen to sing their hearts out. It's a great concept and I'm gonna be on the program soon enough. Stay tuned for that as well. Here's a little bio from his page but the sure way to enlightenment is to listen to this episode.

"What is it like to be one of the most important members of a band? Shane Told, frontman of the critically-acclaimed rock band Silverstein, brings you candid interviews with all of your favorite singers on this podcast. Is it really all sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll? Find out for yourself on Lead Singer Syndrome." -


In this episode we know we are being watched and listened to but you'll have to listen to really grasp the creepiness of what we are talking about.

This is also the first episode of the Mike Herrera Hour in collaboration with Jabber Jaw. It's a way to collaborate more on the podcasting end of things. I like what Shane is doing and I'm liking the Break it Down Podcast with Matt Carter. In terms of content, those two shows go with my show pretty well. So we're all in good company. Another easy way to get to the show and other great shows. Click the link below to see my page on Jabber Jaw.

Mike Herrera Hour on Jabber Jaw


Check out Shane's projects:

Lead Singer Syndrome Podcast:

Solo project:


Direct download: MHH154_ShaneTold_Silvertein.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT