The Mike Herrera Podcast
Music, Radio DJ, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, DRUGS, addiction, Drug Culture, Gay Culture, 12 step culture, MXPX, Religion, Spirituality, relationships, The Glamour & the Squalor Movie, Kumare, Technology, tour stories, radio stories, sex, drug habits, heroine, cocaine, weed, alcohol, movie, IDOBI radio, MTS, Seattle 107.7 The End.
Direct download: MHP_ep16_MarcoCollins.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 4:49pm PST

Writing, the creative process, blogging, journalism, tornado devastation in Moore, Oklahoma, attack on US press and Civil Rights, Positive, Healthy and Happy, Priorities, Drugs, Heroin Addiction, Governments, Lie, War, Drones, Jeremy Scahill, Dirty Wars, Libertarian, Anarchist Utopia, Philosophy, Religion, The Bible, a different angle, survivalist doomsday prep, Apocalypse, Monsanto, The Matrix.

Direct download: MHP_ep15_PatDay.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 3:26pm PST

Jason Pye @Jaseliberty, editor and journalist

Thanks for tuning in, this was a really enlightening conversation that went pretty deep into political wonk territory.

Politics, politics, politics, libertarian, Book On Liberty- John Stuart Mill, Washington DC, Benghazi, IRS, regulations, laws, guns, Associated Press wiretapping, Immigration- marco rubio, Justin Amash, honest politician, Bush, Obama, Clinton scandals wiretapping, torture/waterboarding, Tea Party, Republicans, Democrats, Music, Macklemore, Drug War, Social Issues, Capital Cronyism positivity, life philosophy, happiness.

Write me at

Download new solo and band material:

Direct download: MHP_ep14_JasonPye.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 8:17pm PST

#13 - Joe Moxley @joeymoxley, Jesse Lawson @JesseSWS

This was another of what I call a #partycast with Joe Moxley, @joeymoxley of @LegionnaireArmy & Jesse Lawson, @JesseSWS of @SWStheBand. Thanks for listening, be sure to 5 star us on iTunes & review the podcast.. helps me a ton! thanks!

Cleveland Kidnapping, Charles Ramsey, Amanda Berry, Room: A Novel, Terrorists, Bombings, Politics, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,, Queen of Versailles, Reality TV, Twitter Trolls, Gardening, Drones, As I Lay Dying Murder Arrest, Capitol Punishment, Bangkok Took Took, whiskey, Mother's Day, Twitter Trolls, Hoarders for the Rich, Tumbledown, Partycast.

Direct download: MHP_ep13_JoeMoxley_JesseLawson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 12:52pm PST