The Mike Herrera Podcast

Marc and Joe from the band Patent Pending join Mike at the Slam Dunk Festival.

Direct download: Mhh114_PatentPending.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Tony from Mest joins the podcast to talk about the upcoming Mest reunion shows. Ryan and Jake talk about the Acceptance reunion, music, photography...

Direct download: MHH113_RyanZwiefelhofer_JakeGravbrot_TonyLovato.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Chris 2, bass player in Anti-Flag, joins Mike this week!

New Anti-Flag album, American Spring comes out May 26th!

Empathy, writing, being in Anti-Flag post 9/11, evolving, politics, punk rock, Edward Snowden.

Follow Chris on Twitter: @ChrisDos, @Anti_Flag

and Instagram: @chrisnumber2, @anti.flag.official

Direct download: MHH112_Chris2_Anti_Flag.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Jesse Lawson, Ryan McKinnon, Steven Romero are on the show this week! Get inspired as they discuss art, goals, learning from kids and even a little Facebook.

Follow these guys on Twitter: @TheJesseLawson, @WestSideArchive, and @rjmckinnon.

Direct download: MHH111_JesseLawson_StevenRomero_RyanMcKinnon.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Nikola Sarcevic (Millencolin) joins Mike to talk punk rock, politics, the creative process and more! We also get the scoop on Millencolin’s new album.

Follow Nikola on Twitter: @nikolasarcevic and @millencolin.

Direct download: MHH110_NikolaSarcevic_Millencolin.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST