The Mike Herrera Podcast

iPhone Photography, Product Design, Start Ups with Erik Hedberg, Co-Founder and Designer of Moment App + lenses. Check out Moment here:

MHH163 @moment lens and app startup co founder/ designer Erik Hedberg joins me on the show to talk about his success and vision for a small company that's growing by leaps and bounds.
We discuss a lot here but it is mostly in hte vein of Mobile Photography, Manufacturing, origins of
Startup tactics, Kickstarter, Design, content communities, seattle, remote working, local business and artist communities, Moment Camera App

Listen to the#mikeherrerahour on
@IDOBIradio -Fri/Sun 8PM ET/5PT
@IDOBIradio -Tues Morning at 11am EST

or click and listen here on this site.

follow on instagram @moment @e21 or the website and the blog about mobile photography in Chicago by Neal Kumar

 Mobile Photos of Chicago 
Direct download: MHH163_ErikHedberg_Moment_CoFounder_and_Designer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Sherri Dupree Bemis on the new Eisley recording, being a mom, staying optimistic and keeping it real. 

@SDupreeBemis on all Socials. @Eisley

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Sherri sings in @Eisley, Lives in a pink house in TX but travels often. Her days are spent loving her family and drinking gross amounts of coffee. Twit/Snap :sdupreebemis

Music, Family and a whole life of whimsical delights in this episode. MHH162

The 411 on the new Eisley studio album produced by Will Yip
The past and future of the band
Home and family life in East Texas
Social Media
Mentors growing up
Strengths and Weaknesses
Recording process
Eisley Home Studio


Direct download: MHHp162_Sherri_Dupree_Bemis_Eisley.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

The nightmare and what kitchen life is really like with MASTER CHEF and ENTREPRENEUR JOHN NESBY. He and his wife own and operate the Green Light Diner in Poulsbo, WA.

John drops knowledge about food, business, mushroom hunting, clean food, and he even shares a nice simple Avacodo recipe.


The nightmare and what kitchen life is really like with MASTER CHEF and ENTREPRENEUR
JOHN NESBY. He and his wife own and operate the Green Light Diner in Poulsbo, WA.

 Green Light Diner 

John drops knowledge about food, business, mushroom hunting, clean food, and he even shares a nice simple Avacodo recipe. Mise en place.

Mise en place was very interesting to me because it's also what I think of as a musician. I have tools and I do enjoy them in their own place.

(French pronunciation: [mi zɑ̃ ˈplas]) is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place." It refers to the set up required before cooking, and is often used in professional kitchens to refer to organizing and arranging the ingredients (e.g., cuts of meat, relishes, sauces, par-cooked items, spices, freshly chopped vegetables, and other components) that a cook will require for the menu items that are expected to be prepared during a shift. -wikipedia

Mor Mor
Green Light Diner

For next time... This is a text I just got from John about the podcast. I will have him back on this summer so send in your cooking questions and I'll ask him. Here's the text:

"I'm bummed, we never even got to talk outdoor grill cookery.  Hour flew by. I've been obsessed with my grill lately.  I cook everything on that thing and have begun incorporating thrift shop antique lodgeware cast iron pans onto the grill for some of the most amazing and simple "clean" dishes ever.  I'm even doing grilled garden vegetable scrambles and cooking the whole thing outdoors at home.  It's so good. Grilled zucchini, crooked neck squash, charred potatoes with green onions, bacon and cast iron scrambled eggs, topped with sea salt and Chulula Sauce. That's what Chef eats at home these days."

Direct download: MHHp161_Master_Chef_John_Nesby.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Get inspired as we talk Zen this week. Also, thoughts on the new Blink182 album! 

Direct download: MHHp160_My_Journey_of_Self_Discovery_Podcast.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Ryan Holiday is back on the podcast with news about his new book, Why Ego is the Enemy. Philosophy, stoicism, and Kanye West! 

Direct download: MHH159_Why_Ego_is_the_Enemy_RYAN_HOLIDAY.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST