The Mike Herrera Podcast

John Feldmann from Goldfinger joins Mike for a philosophical conversation while backstage at the Paramount in Long Island, New York City.

Find John on Twitter: @JohnFeldy, @goldfingermusic

The Four Agreements, Karma, Dogs, Positivity, Fear, Placebo effect, Producing, songwriting, Goldfinger, Touring, Top40

Direct download: MHH_ep42_JohnFeldmann.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Cable, Sports, Lou's Moving Company, Mike playing with Goldfinger, Warped Tour and Cornerstone, Seattle, Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder, Drunken tour stories, GoPro Camera, Documenting life, Mxpx 21 Years show...

Overtime: Mike's mean Twitter drafts, Band Management, Tooth & Nail Documentary, podcasts, Government and Big Business, #bestlife

Find Louis on Twitter: @Gasolineheart77

and Instagram: @gasolineheart and @loumovesyou

Direct download: MHHp_ep41_LouisDefabrizio.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Darrin Pfeiffer of Goldfinger @Darrin99 @goldfingermusic. Backstage in New York City. Check out Darrin's record label, High 4 Records.

Music Business, Management, Goldfinger, Mxpx/Goldfinger/Sex Pistols show.

Overtime: 9/11, WTC Building 7, 9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Hemp, Marijuana...

Direct download: MHHp_ep40_DarrinPfeiffer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Charlie Paulson of Goldfinger. Late night Partycast from St. Pete, FL

Hotel life, Hitchcock, Acting, Podcasts, Marc Maron - WTF Podcast, Mike Busey, Politics, Obama deception, Protest law change, Monsanto Protection Act, Street Walkers, Fake Mustache, GMO Labeling Law-Washington State 522, Coke, Germany, Goldfinger, Mxpx, Musical influences, The Police, Fiction Plane, Filmage…

Overtime: Band tour dynamics, Reel Big Fish, Blogs, Twitter questions, Goldfinger future, Mike Herrera Acoustic album...

Direct download: MHHp_ep39_CharliePaulson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Jake and Jeff Turner from XO and Say Anything.

Technology, Apple, Twins, Say Anything, XO, Hot Rod Circuit, Social Media, Twitter vs. Facebook, Elliot Smith, Lou Reed, Contemplating death, Conscious eating, Intentional living, Lyric videos, Songwriting process, Modern music, Documentaries, Filmage Documentary, and Jake and Jeff sneak in an announcement for their new full length album coming out Feb. 4th.

Overtime: Kumare, Beatles Doc, The Fonz, Hero Worship, Community, Negativity, Craigslist Jon.

Direct download: MHHp_ep38_Jake_and_JeffTurner.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST