The Mike Herrera Podcast

Continuing the conversation from last week, Tom Chichila is on the podcast again!

Work process, booking bands, politics, NSA, privacy, Propaganda...

Overtime: The Cootees, playing with Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros, Lady GaGa, meeting famous people (SNL After Party), money, happiness.

Direct download: MHHp_ep50_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Booking agent Tom Chichila returns to the podcast this week!

Some topics: New Best Life video w/Goldfinger, Show stats: ticket counts, human behavior, New Orleans, Internet trolls, songwriting process, inspiration, guest lists, Mike's Solo Record and Collections album, Best flight times, creative process….

**Overtime from this episode turned into another full episode which will air next week!

Direct download: MHHp_ep49_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Daniel G. Harmann from The Trouble Starts joins Mike this week. Find hiim on Twitter: @HelloTower

Visit the brand new and be sure to check for upcoming shows in your area!

Topics discussed on this week's podcast: Show do's and don'ts, life questions, music, favorite producers, money, The Internet, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Seahawks and more!

Overtime: History, Religion, Israel, Heaven and Hell, Fear, Pagans, Craft beer…

Featured music on outro: The Doors Lock from the Inside - The Trouble Starts

Direct download: MHHp_ep48_DanielGHarmann.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Photographer/Videographer Jered Scott., Africa adventure, These Numbers Have Faces, Photography, Film, Nelson Mandela, Humanitarian efforts, Loveline, Japan, Death…

Overtime: Documentaries, Happy People: A Year in the Taiga

Direct download: MHHp_ep47_JeredScott.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST