The Mike Herrera Podcast

Meditation when he wakes up.

MHH145 with James Hunnicutt - A singer/songwriter/musician from Washington State, USA...

"I believe that the most powerful & universal languages in humanity are love & music...
I do what I do because I love it. My love for life & music empowers me & I have learned that what I do empowers others from time to time as well & this realization is invaluable in my opinion... It brings an inner wealth along with it that $ & material possessions can't even come close to comparing with... " -James Hunnicutt

Find out what it was like to watch Stanly Kubrick's A clockwork orange for the first time  while also taking shrooms for the first time. Friday night at the powerlines! 

We both grew up in the same areas and our paths have criss-crossed now and again. James in an amazing performer and songwriter as you will hear at the end of this episode. He gives us a special performance of his song, Risk the Fall live in Monkey Trench Studios. Our buddy and fellow bad ass musician, Mykey Haslip joins us in telling some fun stories and good humor.

Just have a listen and judge for yourself but I really enjoyed the hell out of this one.

My Site

Direct download: MHH145_Musician_Poet_Artist_James_Hunnicut.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Politics, Media, Social Media, and the modern musician's life with Tyson Evans of @SecondtoLast.

Taking the nation's temperature from the youth perspective with Tyson Evans and hear an exclusive acoustic performance by Tyson right from my couch in Monkey Trench Studios. His band Second to Last from Lodi, CA (yes I brought up the CCR song) has toured all over the country with some pretty well known acts that yes, he does name during the conversation. Just get in there and check it out. We covered a lot of ground and much of it was recent happenings and commentary on the US presidential race and our social and racial climate not only in this country but locally right here in Bremerton.

My Site


Direct download: MHH144_Politics_and_Media_Tyson_Evans_Second_To_Last.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Go Betty Go members Aixa and Nicolette join Mike to talk about their band reuniting, technology, the music business and more!

Direct download: MHH143_Go_Betty_Go_Aixa_and_Nicolette_Vilar.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST