The Mike Herrera Podcast

Tom Chichila (Over Easy Booking) shares his Hurricane Katrina story for the 10 year anniversary. Inside story from in the storm and how everything changed after. Follow him on Twitter: @tomisnotangry.

Direct download: MHHp125_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Warped Tour Manager, Lisa Brownlee & the Production Girls of Warped 2014. DRUNK CAST! after the Warped Tour Cleveland Punk Rock Night Party and everyone was wasted. Enjoy! Warped 2014 Production, Water is Vegan, Who Cares? Lisa's TV show idea, Midget Toss, Tommy Ramone, Arturo (Ramones Art), Proof of Ghost Stories.

Direct download: MHH124_Lisa_Brownlee.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Ryan, Joe, and Jeremiah join Mike this week! They give a show recap, talk music then and now, updates, family.

Direct download: MHHp123_SlickShoes.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Lead singer of Five Iron Frenzy, Reese Roper joins Mike. They talk touring, FIF then and now, and keeping the ego in check as a musician.

Direct download: MHH122_ReeseRoper__FiveIronFrenzy.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Ryan Zwiefelhofer from the band Acceptance. Social Media, music branding, Mxpx updates. See MXPX and Acceptance live in Bremerton, WA Sept 12th!

Direct download: MHH121_RyanZwiefelhofer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST