Wed, 29 January 2020
#297 Miguel Chen - Bass player of Teenage Bottlerocket, Author of books, Yoga Instructor - Learn how to fix yourself on this podcast. Mindfulness, wellness and Yoga. Running a creative business. How to be happy. Let me know what works for you! Find Miguel and Teenage Bottlerocket Online MXPX SHOWS -FRI FEB 28th - Denver, CO - Gothic Theatre -SAT FEB 29th - San Antonio, TX - Paper Tiger -FRI APR 10th - Salt Lake City, UT - Metro Music Hall -SAT APR 11th - Salt Lake City, UT - Metro Music Hall MUSIC New MXPX and Mike Herrera songs streaming everywhere- my latest on these platforms and more. MXPX - Salt Lake City - Streaming everywhere Friday Jan 31 Mike Herrera - Don't Walk Away Support what I do at Leave a message with your question on the new Mike Herrera Podcast voicemail. (some will be aired on future episodes of the podcast) 360-830-6660 (US number) 3 min limit per message. Tip-Write your question down and read it. Will be more clear. ;) Tickets on sale at for all things follow @MikeHerreraTD on Instagram or Twitter follow @mxpxpx on Instagram and @mxpx on Twitter Thanks to Bob McKnight! Producing / Editing and sometimes more done by Bob McKnight @bobandkatieshow Listen to the new album on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your tunes! Thanks to RØDE MICS Shop at Merch Arsenal
Direct download: 297_Miguel_Chen_Teenage_Bottlerocket.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 8:10am PST |
Mon, 6 January 2020
#296 with Tom Chichila on Music, Business, MXPX and the future. You really get some insight here on how Tom got started in the business. We just keep talking and talking. From his own music and traveling to working with other artists like myself. Life is just crazy and we can make our own way if we just actually try. But there are pitfalls along the way so be aware! Strap in, hold on and enjoy the ride! Try to find Tom online @Tomisnotangry MXPX SHOWS -FRI JAN 17th - Orlando, FL - Plaza Live -SAT JAN 8th - Atlanta, GA - Buckhead Theatre -FRI FEB 18th - Denver, CO - Gothic Theatre -SAT FEB 19th - San Antonio, TX - Paper Tiger
MUSIC New MXPX and Mike Herrera songs streaming everywhere- my latest on these platforms and more. Mike Herrera - Don't Walk Away Support what I do at Leave a message with your question on the new Mike Herrera Podcast voicemail. (some will be aired on future episodes of the podcast) 360-830-6660 (US number) 3 min limit per message. Tip-Write your question down and read it. Will be more clear. ;) Tickets on sale at for all things follow @MikeHerreraTD on Instagram or Twitter follow @mxpxpx on Instagram and @mxpx on Twitter Thanks to Bob McKnight! Producing / Editing and sometimes more done by Bob McKnight @bobandkatieshow Listen to the new album on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your tunes! Thanks to RØDE MICS Shop at Merch Arsenal
Direct download: 296_TOM_CHICHILA_on_Life_MXPX_and_the_future.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 7:55am PST |