The Mike Herrera Podcast

SD Music Thing Recap, Internet Trolls, social media, intellectual property thieves, diversifying your life & business, health, authenticity, Industry secrets & tips.

Direct download: MHHp_ep33_RyanDowney.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PDT

Oliver Peck, Tattoo Artist - Elm Street Tattoo, Dallas Texas

Elm Street Music and Tattoo Festival, Friday the 13th, Lucky Numbers, Reverend Horton Heat, Jim Heath, Art, Merch, Drag the River, Jon Snodgrass, The Filmage, Blink182, Ink Master, Dave Navarro, Travel, Collections, Charity, True South.

Overtime: Conscious consumerism, Bremerton/Seattle Trip, Car wreck, Mike's new tattoo.

Direct download: MHHp__ep32_OliverPeck.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PDT

Musician and Psychologist, David Camarena @heartlikewar

9/11, Syria, propaganda, hospital and death stories, ghosts, Masons, microchips, new iPhone, TSA, hidden secrets, pyramids system, sacred geometry, hidden secrets and knowledge, placebo effect, war of the future, Obama/Bush relation...

Direct download: MHHp_ep31_DavidCamarena.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PDT

I normally write a little something about the guest here, but it's weird since this week the guest is myself! Thanks for listening everyone, it's really fun to help Mike with this podcast. Please rate and review!! Modern day office, start-ups, money, fame, lucid dreams, nightmares, astral projection, Syria, Fear, Consumption, Modern Society, Terrifying Pics, TV, Netflix, GPS Trackers.

Direct download: MHP_ep30_SarahAllspaw.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT