The Mike Herrera Podcast

Dan & Dave. Music, House of Cards, Politics, Movies, Chicago, Parent Trap, Finding new music, Spotify, Jered Scott, NSA, Edward Snowden, EP's vs LP's. OT: Cannabis Prohibition

Direct download: MHHp82_Real_Friends.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Warped Edition with Acoustic Basement Boys: Brian Marquis, PJ Bond, Nick Santino

Van tours, Solo artists, Soul Crushing gigs, Acoustic Basement stage, getting stuck by lightning, happiness, Google Smart Contacts, NSA, Data Mining, Amazon Drones, Curious Google Searches

Direct download: MHHp81_BrianMarquis_PJBond_NickSantino.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Warped Edition with The Story So Far, Saves the Day: Chris Conley, Parker, Kevin, Kellin, John. Warped Tour, Mushrooms, Fire, Cliff Jumping, Death Tubing, Breaking the 4th wall.

Direct download: MHHp80_TheStorySoFar_SavesTheDay.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Warped Edition with Teenage Bottlerocket! Wyoming Punk, Dick Cheney, Tommy Ramone, Landlines, Facetime, CBGB's, Andy Williams - Every Time I Die

Direct download: MHH79_TeenageBottleRocket.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Nick and Mike from Heart to Heart. Warped Edition: Long haul driving, drivers, iPods, Stand up comedy, Kevin Hart, Aziz, Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy, Stories, Beards, Pro Wrestling.

Direct download: MHH78_HearttoHeart.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT