The Mike Herrera Podcast

Matt Henson, 1st Army Sgt, and Noi!se Oi Punk. Take the podcast survey:

This week is all about the music as Mike sits down with Front man of Oi Punk Band Noi!se. Mike and Matt start at the beginning of Noi!se and how they gained steam as an Oi band when it is proving impossible for others to do the same. They talk about what sets their music apart and Matt's life in the army that helps with writing and bringing the music to life.    


Find Noi!se online:

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Please take a few minutes to do my Survey HERE and it will help me pick advertising that is relevant to you! Thank you!

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


    •    Noi!se History [2:00]
    •    What is Oi? [4:00]
    •    Noi!se Themes [6:30]
    •    The first big show [9:30]
    •    Music not riches [16:00]
    •    The Bieber attacks [18:30]
    •    Noi!se behind the scenes [22:00]
    •    We need hugs [28:00]
    •    Deployment [31:00]
    •    Setting the music apart [40:00]
    •    The bonus army [42:00]
    •    Stadium Way [47:00]
    •    Mike Outback [51:30]
    •    Career Man [57:00]    
    •    Overtime - Mike reads and answers a listener email [1:00]
    •    Dull the Pain - Noi!se [105:00]


Notable Links Discussed:
The Noise Army
Lars Frederiksen
Cock Sparrer



Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHp190_MattHenson_1st_Sgt_Noise_Oi_Punk.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Josh Farley, Kitsap Sun Reporter.

Direct download: MHHp189_JoshFarley_Kitsap_Sun_Reporter.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 3:04pm PDT

marketing, podcasting, writing and blogging. 

This weeks guest is Justin Jackson of….. well a lot of stuff! Justin hits the digital world punch after punch after punch. Blogs, podcast, video, you name it and the chances are he’s done it. Justin is big into asking why and this episode is no different so sit back while Mike and Justin spend time theorizing why people do what they do and how others can use that information to get heard over the masses and make it in the world of the internet.  

Find Justin!
Blog YouTube Twitter Instagram Mega Maker Podcast

Listen & Subscribe on iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | on Jabber Jaw #mikeherrerahour airs on @IDOBIradio -Friday and Sunday Nights and Tuesday Days - Live on IDOBI Radio

Thanks to this week’s sponsors:

Try ZipRecruiter for FREE Today. The Best Way to Post Jobs and Hire Fast. As your qualified candidates roll in, we make it easy to screen & rate them, allowing you to make the best hiring decisions for your business. All Candidates In One Place.


MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


•    Here’s Justin! [7:30]
•    Getting noticed [12:00]
•    Behind the hidden glass [17:00]
•    Keep Giving[22:30]
•    Identity Theory [25:00]
•    We all grew up [28:00]
•    The Story of Eddie [34:30]
•    Art is the job [40:30]
•    Keep it real [42:30]
•    Test the idea [47:00]
•    Rise above the noise [51:30]
•    The digital theory [53:30]

Notable Links Discussed:
Augmented Reality

Jobs to be Done:

Book: Competing Against Luck

Book: When Coffee & Kale Compete


How to discover the hidden benefits of your product

Based on two principles:

1. Everyone wants to make progress within their current situation

2. People "hire" products + services + experiences to make their life better

So the question you need to ask is: "How does my art, my music, my thing, make people more awesome? How does it help them make progress in their lives?

Now why do kids stop listening to bands?

"The music is no longer helping them make progress in their life."

What's the key to longevity in music?

You've gotta stay ahead of the fan: keep giving them progress. And you're seeing that now with MxPx. Now people are back into the music because of the nostalgia factor.

But people "hire" MxPx for other reasons:



Why do people like this video? :

what "jobs" are people hiring MxPx for?

Thanks to Sarah Allspaw @SarahAllspaw for producing and helping with the distribution, Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light for photos, video and co-hosting, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Special thanks to you the listeners and readers of this blog. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening.

• Tell Your Friends & Share Online!
• Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play
• Bookmark & Use the Amazon Link: Click through to Amazon via Link for all your Amazon purchases. Won’t cost you a penny extra on any purchases but will throw some loose commission change from the Amazon coffers our way, which help cover show expenses. Wanna make it even easier to support?  Just bookmark the Amazon banner affiliate url link to your browser toolbar – then every time you click to go to Amazon  you can feel great for supporting what we are doing – Thank you!

ALSO! Life in Trenches - Hosted by Mike Herrera and Jake Gravbrot
Discussions and opinions on pop culture and news.
Watch and Subscribe HERE


Direct download: MHHp188_JustinJackson_MegaMaker_and_Author.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT

Darrin Pfieffer from Goldfinger is back on the podcast to talk life after Goldfinger. 

Direct download: MHHp187_DarrinPfieffer_Drummer_on_Life_after_Goldfinger.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PDT