Fri, 7 June 2019
The Mike Herrera Podcast #279 MXPX guitarists @TomWisniewski and ChrisAdkins and I talk about band tour stories, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Politics, a whole lot of gear talk and other fun stories. - Leave a message with your question on the new Mike Herrera Podcast voicemail. (some will be aired on future episodes of the podcast) 360-830-6660 (US number) 3 min limit per message. Tip-Write your question down and read it. Will be more clear. ;)
Support what I do at FRI JUNE 14 -MxPx will be headlining Montebello Rock in Quebec. SAT JUNE 15 -MxPx in NEW YORK CITY at Irving Plaza w/ Unwritten Law & Rehasher Tickets on sale at for all things follow @MikeHerreraTD on Instagram or Twitter follow @mxpxpx on Instagram and @mxpx on Twitter Thanks to Bob McKnight Producing / Editing and sometimes more done by Bob McKnight @bobandkatieshow Listen to the new album on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your tunes! Thanks to RĂ˜DE MICS Shop at Merch Arsenal
Direct download: 279_MHP_Tom_Wisniewski_and_Chris_Adkins.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 4:37pm PST |