The Mike Herrera Podcast

The Mike Herrera Podcast #284 

 Scott Russo and Chris Lewis talk about the new Unwritten Law album and the process as they make it. Scott's Mexican Beach Paradise and crazy road stories you won't want to miss!





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SAT SEPT 7 -MxPx - Park Jam Festival in London, Ontario Canada

with The Offspring, Reel Big Fish and Seaway. 

New MXPX and Mike Herrera songs streaming everywhere now- 

MXPX - Franco UnAmerican

Mike Herrera - Don't Walk Away


Leave a message with your question on the new Mike Herrera Podcast voicemail. (some will be aired on future episodes of the podcast)

360-830-6660 (US number) 3 min limit per message. Tip-Write your question down and read it. Will be more clear. ;) 

Tickets on sale at for all things

follow @MikeHerreraTD on Instagram or Twitter

follow @mxpxpx on Instagram and @mxpx on Twitter 

Thanks to Bob McKnight

Producing / Editing and sometimes more done by Bob McKnight @bobandkatieshow 

Listen to the new album on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your tunes! 

Thanks to RĂ˜DE MICS 

Shop at Merch Arsenal

Direct download: 284_MHP_Unwritten_Law_Scott_Russo_and_Chris_Lewis.mp3
Category:Music Entertainment -- posted at: 9:21pm PST