The Mike Herrera Podcast (Philosophy)

Legionnaire, Pomplamoose, The Creative Class, Punk Politics, Anti-Flag, Answering your questions.

Overtime: Mxpx plans, more questions, social media, Traveling, happiness.

Direct download: MHHp97_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Hawk Nelson, Legionnaire, Digital age, NSA, Privacy, Hacking, Insider Trading, Car sales, Cosby...

Direct download: MHH96p_JasonDunn.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Shows, playing acoustic, punk scene, New Found Glory, Anberlin Tour, snow, music, Ferguson, politics, the government, partycast.

Overtime: Political parties, getting pulled over.

Direct download: MHHp95_RyanRockwell_JakeLangley.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

On the road with Jake Langley!

Tour, snow, comedy, social media, society, superstition…
Overtime: TV, Howard Stern, Celebrities

Let Mike know how you listen to the podcast: @mikeherreraTD

Direct download: MHHp94_JakeLangley.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Storytelling with Tommy Rat (MxPx Tour Manager) and Yuri. Artist Adara joins on overtime.

Direct download: MHHp93_TommyRat_YuriRuley.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

 Matt, Brian and Kyle. New Jersey, JFK, Privacy, Social Triggers, Band Politics

Direct download: MHH92_Major_League.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Louis Debabrizio is back to make you laugh! The future, GPS dots, toxic toothpaste, marriage, family, songwriting.

Direct download: MHH91_Louis_Defabrizio_Gasoline_Heart.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Punk Professor. Ph.D student studying theology and philosophy at Drew University, and an adjunct theology professor at Xavier University

This week's episode is a philosophical conversation about growing up in church, the influence of punk rock, being a "Teenage Anarchist", and questioning everything.

Direct download: MHHp90_Elijah_Prewitt_Davis.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Ed, Ali, Dan. Tour Recap, Bus Crash, Stage Show, Fit Bit, Drug Smuggling, Team America, United Airlines, Goldfinger

Direct download: MHH89_Zebrahead.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Survay Says! band from New Jersey join the podcast from the road this week!

The Voice, Touring, Music, Why?, War, Ebola, NFL

Direct download: MHH88_SurvaySays.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Bryan Nelson, Bass player for The Ataris. Travel, John Moreland, Willie Nelson, Los Angeles, Race Debate, Police State, Media Monster, Dracula

Direct download: MHHp87_BryanNelson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

iPhone fail, Born into TV Business, Christian scene, Punk community, High School, Family, Pro-Gay stance, politics, Police brutality, Honesty, Mars Hill - Mark Driscoll, Hell, This is Radio Cast. Overtime: Mike's nostalgic writing, suffering, Love, God chemical, Larry King.

Direct download: MHHp86_JayBakker.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Billy Kottage from Reel Big Fish joins Mike. Apple Watch, iPhone6, Police stories, U2, Spam, Music Business, Politics

Direct download: MHHp85_BillyKottageRBF.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike's friend Ollie (Hustle Roses) joins the podcast! Haunted LA, Joan Rivers, Death, Depression, Bullies, Touring, MTV Music Awards, TV, Big Brother, Money, Consumption, Wills. OT: Trying not to die.

Direct download: MHHp84_OllieHustleRoses.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

The Fappening, Cloud hacking, Shadow government, Neighbor's complaints, technology, Facebook messenger,

OT: Ferguson, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Facebook/Twitter posting

Direct download: MHHp83_BenHilzinger_ConnrFychann.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Dan & Dave. Music, House of Cards, Politics, Movies, Chicago, Parent Trap, Finding new music, Spotify, Jered Scott, NSA, Edward Snowden, EP's vs LP's. OT: Cannabis Prohibition

Direct download: MHHp82_Real_Friends.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Warped Edition with Acoustic Basement Boys: Brian Marquis, PJ Bond, Nick Santino

Van tours, Solo artists, Soul Crushing gigs, Acoustic Basement stage, getting stuck by lightning, happiness, Google Smart Contacts, NSA, Data Mining, Amazon Drones, Curious Google Searches

Direct download: MHHp81_BrianMarquis_PJBond_NickSantino.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Warped Edition with The Story So Far, Saves the Day: Chris Conley, Parker, Kevin, Kellin, John. Warped Tour, Mushrooms, Fire, Cliff Jumping, Death Tubing, Breaking the 4th wall.

Direct download: MHHp80_TheStorySoFar_SavesTheDay.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Warped Edition with Teenage Bottlerocket! Wyoming Punk, Dick Cheney, Tommy Ramone, Landlines, Facetime, CBGB's, Andy Williams - Every Time I Die

Direct download: MHH79_TeenageBottleRocket.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Nick and Mike from Heart to Heart. Warped Edition: Long haul driving, drivers, iPods, Stand up comedy, Kevin Hart, Aziz, Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy, Stories, Beards, Pro Wrestling.

Direct download: MHH78_HearttoHeart.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Paul, Jeremy, and Michelle (Beebs).

Warped Tour, Fuse: Warped Roadies Show, Funky Hot Dog Music, Merch, Jersey Shore, Teleportation, Female vocalists, Pop music, Buying experiences/concerts. Overtime: John Lennon bus, movies, Port-A-Potty deaths….

Direct download: MHHp76_Beebs_and_Her_Moneymakers.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Warped Tour, Free internet, 3D Printing, getting older, Recording, Record Label parties, music videos, Fat Wreck Chords.

Overtime: Buildings Tumble recorded live at Warped Tour.

Direct download: MHHp75_LessThanJake.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Tim, Kyle, and Scott from Allister join Mike. Chicago, Creepy Venues, Ghosts, Orlando, Japan, Travel, Recording, Weezer, Scott & Rivers, Ripping off songs, Chicago bands. OT: China, car accidents.

Direct download: MHHp74_Allister.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Pop-punk, As I Lay Dying, CrossFit, Spotify, Government, Alabama, Musician friendly jobs, chemistry, Big Corporations, Oil Spills, Crypto-Currency, Bonnaroo hate, Dave Matthews Band. Overtime: Green Day, Tour.

Direct download: MHHp73_MeasureforMeasure.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Sound engineer and musician, Andy Alonso and Mike chill after the show… Orlando, FL. ‪@Audio_andy‬

Sound/Audio, technology, early computer games, tour, Mike’s bad jokes, San Antonio, Mxpx, food on the road… OT: Kanye, people in power, government and corporations, NSA, 1984, weed laws.

Direct download: MHHp72_AndyAlonso.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Special episode with clips from previous shows! Navy Seal strategies with Poncho & Lefty, aliens with Matt Skiba, music & life with Kris Roe and Seattle DJ, Marco Collins recalls the early punk days and shares Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobin stories.

Direct download: MHH_BestOf_062014.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 3:27pm PST

Bremerton, band life, current events, shootings, advertising, Friday the 13th, 13 tats tradition, Social Media, Vine, Star Wars, selfie. OT: Life's snooze button, Scary movies, Drunk, Spaceballs.

Direct download: MHHp70_Letters.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mxpx tour, Kumare, parenting, teen stabbing, school shootings, religion, Justin Beiber, Hollywood, Best Life, YouTube, Your Questions, Star Wars, Tom & Yuri, PxPx Fan Club, Monkey Trench Studios.

Direct download: MHHp69_JasonHockneyZeimet.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 8:00pm PST

Kris, Phil, Adrian, Joe and Manny join Mike. Bremerton, trolls and internet rants, Ernie Ball, Old vs. New music.

Direct download: MHHp68_AssumingWeSurvive.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Musician Jack Parker is the guest this week. His solo EP, Homegrown, is out now! Check it out on Jack’s Bandcamp page

Some things talked about: Measles Vaccine Cancer Cure, Drugs, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Sting, The Police, Vinyl Collecting, Tumbledown Live, DIY Touring Advice, Q&A.

Direct download: MHHp67_JackParker.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Bryan Nelson from The Ataris. From on the road in Germany... Tour diet, wrestling, fans abroad, traveling, Netflix binge watching, The Matrix, drugs, krokodil, Navy Seals, Internet Trolls, change…

Follow Bryan on Twitter: @AmericanBryan and @TheAtaris

Direct download: MHHp65_BryanNelson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Amber Pacific is recording at Monkey Trench Studios this week… Dango and Mike took a break to record a podcast!

Find Dango on Twitter: @DangoEmpire and follow Amber Pacific: @AMBERPACIFIC.

Drumming, Tour, Nashville, Crowd Funding, Recording.

Overtime: Will Nutter and Matt Young join.

Direct download: MHHp63_Dango.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

@ryanseaman @duffs_knives @detron3000

Partycast with Ryan Seaman (Falling In Reverse) and his buddies Deeds and Duffs!

App Development - Pinyata, House of Cards, Super Bowl Rings, Business plans, Startups, Brazil and South America travel, Marketing, Recording, Producing, Corruption.

Overtime: Mxpx, Warped Tour, WuTang Selling 1 CD

Direct download: MHHp62_RyanSeaman_Deeds_Duffs.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Filmmaker Adam Scorgie joins Mike this week.
The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, The Culture High.

Marijuana, Prohibition, Addiction's Underlying Issue, Diet, Health, Fame, Pursuit of happiness, Industry life, filmmaking, podcasting, Media monopolies.

Direct download: MHHp61_AdamScorgie.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Zach Blair from Rise Against joins Mike from the road this week. Follow Rise Against on Twitter: @riseagainst

Hagfish, GWAR, Music, Marathon talking, Cable, Ft. Hood Shooting, Iraqi Veterans Against War... Overtime: SeaWorld/Blackfish, Internet, Activism, Tribute Shows - Black Flag, Descendents

Thanks for listening! Join the conversation: #mhh @mikeherreraTD

Direct download: MHHp60-_ZachBlair.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Podcast host, Jen Briney joins Mike at Monkey Trench Studio this week!

Check out her podcast Congressional Dish, and find her on Twitter: @JenBriney

Jen brings her political knowledge to the podcast and shares some insights and ideas about NSA Spying, Diane Feinstein, Ukraine/Russia, Money in politics, Seattle and more!!

Overtime: Scandal, House of Cards, Washington/Colorado weed laws, podcasting and more!!

Direct download: MHHp_ep58_JenBriney.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

@JodyEllenLove, @BenHilzinger, and @andybrunobass. Seattle, Dave Grohl, superstition, SXSW, 3D Printing, Robert Lang, Jared Leto, Business ideas… OT: Amazon Locker, Monkey Trench Ghost.

Direct download: MHHp_ep57_JodyEllen_BenHilzinger_AndyBruno.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Podcast host, Robert Garza joins Mike this week. Podcasting, Twitter, music, money, Russia and the Ukraine, Sinkholes, The unseen, 9/11, Information age, Wikipedia… Overtime: News, tech, rants, life.

Direct download: MHHp_ep56_RobertGarza.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

The band Francis swings by Monkey Trench for the podcast this week. Zack, Jake, Doyle, Tyler, AJ. Francis Does America, DIY tour, What Would You Do? show, fight stories, NSA, Tech, Medicine, Drug Lords, Music business.

Direct download: MHHp_ep55_Francis.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Musician, Jose Garzon is the guest this week! Europe Tour Dates, Amazon, Drone Delivery, Apple, Corporate Greed, Police, The Herrera's new puppy, Hawaii, Snow Storms. Overtime: Dumb Starbucks, Listener Questions, Apple: Steve Jobs, Bar Rescue, Money, Hi Lo's…

Direct download: MHHp_ep54_JoseGarzon.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Mike Moen from the band Neutral Boy is this week's guest. Touring, band changes, writing process, boat squatting, punk rock, Mxpx tour recap.

Direct download: MHHp_ep53_MikeMoen.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Tom Wisniewski joins Mike from Japan to talk about the Seahawks Superbowl win! Aso, the Olympics, Travel, Music…

Direct download: MHHp_ep52_TomWisniewski.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

High-Lows Part 2! Jason Hockney Zeimet returns to the podcast and he and Mike go through Mike's music archive: Mxpx, The Cootees, Arthur and Tumbledown. Facts, high and low points, artwork...

Direct download: MHHp_ep51_JasonHockneyZeimet.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Continuing the conversation from last week, Tom Chichila is on the podcast again!

Work process, booking bands, politics, NSA, privacy, Propaganda...

Overtime: The Cootees, playing with Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros, Lady GaGa, meeting famous people (SNL After Party), money, happiness.

Direct download: MHHp_ep50_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Booking agent Tom Chichila returns to the podcast this week!

Some topics: New Best Life video w/Goldfinger, Show stats: ticket counts, human behavior, New Orleans, Internet trolls, songwriting process, inspiration, guest lists, Mike's Solo Record and Collections album, Best flight times, creative process….

**Overtime from this episode turned into another full episode which will air next week!

Direct download: MHHp_ep49_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Daniel G. Harmann from The Trouble Starts joins Mike this week. Find hiim on Twitter: @HelloTower

Visit the brand new and be sure to check for upcoming shows in your area!

Topics discussed on this week's podcast: Show do's and don'ts, life questions, music, favorite producers, money, The Internet, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Seahawks and more!

Overtime: History, Religion, Israel, Heaven and Hell, Fear, Pagans, Craft beer…

Featured music on outro: The Doors Lock from the Inside - The Trouble Starts

Direct download: MHHp_ep48_DanielGHarmann.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Photographer/Videographer Jered Scott., Africa adventure, These Numbers Have Faces, Photography, Film, Nelson Mandela, Humanitarian efforts, Loveline, Japan, Death…

Overtime: Documentaries, Happy People: A Year in the Taiga

Direct download: MHHp_ep47_JeredScott.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Focused on social media. Tech.  Future. TV shows. Movies. Traveling. Russia. London. Acting. Comedy. Nurse Jackie. Realities of getting into acting career. Acting class. Reality TV.

Direct download: MHHp_ep46_CrystalCooper_LennyJacobson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Journalist and Author, David Seaman is back on the podcast. Bitcion, eBooks, New Media,,, Epitaph Party, Drug War, Drones.

Direct download: MHHp_ep45_DavidSeaman.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 8:30pm PST

Journalist, Blogger and Radio Host, Michelle Ray joins the Mike Herrera Hour this week.

Follow Michelle on Twitter: @GaltsGirl

Drones, Bacon, NSA, NDAA, CIA, Drug War, Drug Jobs, War on Journalism, Bitcoin, Paul Walker, Twitter,  Music, Mike’s Stage Injury, Twitter, New Media, Social Media…

Overtime: Bitcoin, Tea Party, Fed Reserve, War, Crypto Currency.

Direct download: MHHp_ep44_Michelle_Ray.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Tom Wisniewski, guitar player in Mxpx.

Thanksgiving Wrap, Black Friday, Amazon Drone Delivery, The Walking Dead - Zombies, Seahawks, The Walking Dead - Zombies, Tour Life, South American Touring, Australia Warped Tour, Addiction, Cigars, Vegas, history.

Overtime: Piss Beer Bongs, Mxpx Tours, Ever Passing Moment, Studio, Producers: Steve Kravac, Jerry Finn, Meaning of life.

Direct download: MHHp_ep43_TomWisniewski.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

John Feldmann from Goldfinger joins Mike for a philosophical conversation while backstage at the Paramount in Long Island, New York City.

Find John on Twitter: @JohnFeldy, @goldfingermusic

The Four Agreements, Karma, Dogs, Positivity, Fear, Placebo effect, Producing, songwriting, Goldfinger, Touring, Top40

Direct download: MHH_ep42_JohnFeldmann.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Cable, Sports, Lou's Moving Company, Mike playing with Goldfinger, Warped Tour and Cornerstone, Seattle, Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder, Drunken tour stories, GoPro Camera, Documenting life, Mxpx 21 Years show...

Overtime: Mike's mean Twitter drafts, Band Management, Tooth & Nail Documentary, podcasts, Government and Big Business, #bestlife

Find Louis on Twitter: @Gasolineheart77

and Instagram: @gasolineheart and @loumovesyou

Direct download: MHHp_ep41_LouisDefabrizio.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Darrin Pfeiffer of Goldfinger @Darrin99 @goldfingermusic. Backstage in New York City. Check out Darrin's record label, High 4 Records.

Music Business, Management, Goldfinger, Mxpx/Goldfinger/Sex Pistols show.

Overtime: 9/11, WTC Building 7, 9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Hemp, Marijuana...

Direct download: MHHp_ep40_DarrinPfeiffer.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Charlie Paulson of Goldfinger. Late night Partycast from St. Pete, FL

Hotel life, Hitchcock, Acting, Podcasts, Marc Maron - WTF Podcast, Mike Busey, Politics, Obama deception, Protest law change, Monsanto Protection Act, Street Walkers, Fake Mustache, GMO Labeling Law-Washington State 522, Coke, Germany, Goldfinger, Mxpx, Musical influences, The Police, Fiction Plane, Filmage…

Overtime: Band tour dynamics, Reel Big Fish, Blogs, Twitter questions, Goldfinger future, Mike Herrera Acoustic album...

Direct download: MHHp_ep39_CharliePaulson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Jake and Jeff Turner from XO and Say Anything.

Technology, Apple, Twins, Say Anything, XO, Hot Rod Circuit, Social Media, Twitter vs. Facebook, Elliot Smith, Lou Reed, Contemplating death, Conscious eating, Intentional living, Lyric videos, Songwriting process, Modern music, Documentaries, Filmage Documentary, and Jake and Jeff sneak in an announcement for their new full length album coming out Feb. 4th.

Overtime: Kumare, Beatles Doc, The Fonz, Hero Worship, Community, Negativity, Craigslist Jon.

Direct download: MHHp_ep38_Jake_and_JeffTurner.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

MxPx, PxPx, Music Business, Fans as Customers, The Queers, Screeching Weasel, Angry Banana, The Ataris, Touring, Private House Shows, CISPA, Locked up Abroad…

Direct download: MHHp_ep37_TomChichila.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Congressional Dish Podcast host @jenbriney & she schools me on healthcare, shutdown, politics & how it all ticks.

Podcasting, Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare), Political Solutions, Celebrity status, Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC, Money in politics... Visit to find your representative (with your zip code) and email them your thoughts!

Direct download: MHHp_ep36_JenBriney.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Zander, Tra and Matt from the Bremerton band, Letters join the show. They just got back from a west coast tour and share personal shutdown stories, road stories, and more!

Direct download: MHHp_ep35_Letters.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Video & Documentary Filmmaker and Pilot Bryan Buchelt is this week's guest.

Government Shutdown, Obamacare/ACA, Political documentary, IRS, Go Pro Camera, NSA, Prison Slave Labor, iPhone, iOS7, Silk Road Shutdown, Relaxations Drinks, Left/Right Paradigm.

Direct download: MHHp_ep34_BryanBuchelt.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

SD Music Thing Recap, Internet Trolls, social media, intellectual property thieves, diversifying your life & business, health, authenticity, Industry secrets & tips.

Direct download: MHHp_ep33_RyanDowney.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Oliver Peck, Tattoo Artist - Elm Street Tattoo, Dallas Texas

Elm Street Music and Tattoo Festival, Friday the 13th, Lucky Numbers, Reverend Horton Heat, Jim Heath, Art, Merch, Drag the River, Jon Snodgrass, The Filmage, Blink182, Ink Master, Dave Navarro, Travel, Collections, Charity, True South.

Overtime: Conscious consumerism, Bremerton/Seattle Trip, Car wreck, Mike's new tattoo.

Direct download: MHHp__ep32_OliverPeck.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

Musician and Psychologist, David Camarena @heartlikewar

9/11, Syria, propaganda, hospital and death stories, ghosts, Masons, microchips, new iPhone, TSA, hidden secrets, pyramids system, sacred geometry, hidden secrets and knowledge, placebo effect, war of the future, Obama/Bush relation...

Direct download: MHHp_ep31_DavidCamarena.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 9:00pm PST

I normally write a little something about the guest here, but it's weird since this week the guest is myself! Thanks for listening everyone, it's really fun to help Mike with this podcast. Please rate and review!! Modern day office, start-ups, money, fame, lucid dreams, nightmares, astral projection, Syria, Fear, Consumption, Modern Society, Terrifying Pics, TV, Netflix, GPS Trackers.

Direct download: MHP_ep30_SarahAllspaw.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

@DylanJakobsen, @EAJosh‬, @stephenjerzak‬

Miley Cyrus, Fame, Reality TV, Bar Rescue, music scene, touristy/local things, VMAs, The House I Live In documentary, Drug war, Coast to Coast AM, Michael Jordan,

Direct download: MHP_ep29_DylanJakobsen_JoshRandall_StephenJerzak.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Five Iron Frenzy's Leonor, Andy, Reese & Sonnie chat with Mike while backstage at the Showbox in Seattle.

Ska vs. punk rock, fans, Kickstarter, band business ethics, technology, tour stories, family, raising children, lying, consumer habit tracking, atheism and religion, authenticity.

Direct download: MHP_ep27_FiveIronFrenzy.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Jason Hockney Zeimet joins the Mike Herrera Hour and they talk music, travel, nostalgia and MxPx. Visit Jason’s site!

We are doing a special giveaway this episode! Rate and review The Mike Herrera Podcast on iTunes and you could be picked to win this MxPx Jones Soda Bottle or the Travelogue DVD! (open to US only).

From Jason: Originally released by Seattle’s Jones Soda Company in conjunction with MxPx’s release of the album “Secret Weapon.” This bottle, and flavor were limited to a production run of under 1,000 and are long out of print!

The Travelogue is giving away one limited edition, hand numbered (#13/60) DVD (featuring episode commentary by Mike Herrera and Jason Hockney Zeimet). The DVD includes the “Travelogue: Bremerton” episode with all of MxPx and other episodes with special guest stars (including Fat Mike of NoFX and Mike Park of Asian Man Records)!

Direct download: MHP_ep25_JasonHockneyZeimet.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 8:30pm PST

Mark Sullivan, Jonathan White from @sonsofstrangers join Mike for a partycast while recording their new album at Mike's studio, Monkey Trench.

Recording, producing, writing, working out, technology, media, news, politics, religion, heaven and hell, love, family, human nature.

Overtime: growing up, podcasts, leaving a legacy, death, Rolling Stone Cover, Bremerton, getting arrested, risk taking, business...

Direct download: MHP_ep23_SonsofStrangers.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Record producer, Steve Kravac. Steve produced MXPX’s Life in General and Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo. Mike joined him at his studio, Hell’s Half Acre, outside of LA and they caught up while sitting in the desert!

@stevekravac |

Thanks for listening! -@mikeherreraTD

Direct download: MHP_ep22_SteveKravac.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 5:59pm PST

Tom and Yuri join Mike in honor of MXPX’s 21st Anniversary!

@Tomwisniewski, @YuriZane, @mxpx

MXPX, tour stories, different cultures, current events, politics, journalism, hospital stories…

Thanks for listening! -@mikeherreraTD

Direct download: MHP_ep21_Yuri_Ruley_TomWisniewski.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 5:59pm PST

Journalist and Podcast host, David Seaman, joins Mike to discuss current events. NSA, Edward Snowden, Post 9/11 warrent-less spying, Restore The Fourth, PRISM, government lies, propaganda, whistle-blowers, Bill of Rights, Fourth Amendment, FISA Court, Patriot Act, protest, activism, Facebook, Twitter, punk rock, Obama, Revolution.

Direct download: MHP_ep20_DavidSeaman.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 5:59pm PST

Man Overboard's Zac Eisenstein & Nick Bruzzese
@ZacOvrboard @Duckpondjix @ManOverboardNJ

The Warped Tour Episode!!! I head to the Van's Warped Tour in Seattle, WA and talk with Man Overboard's Zac Eisenstein & Nick Bruzzese. I first met these guys a year ago on Warped Tour in Aneheim, CA.

Warped Tour Stories, Partycast, a day in the life, MXPX early days, punk bands, radio.

Thanks for listening! -@mikeherreraTD

Direct download: MHH_ep19_ManOverboard.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 5:59pm PST

I met up with Matt, from Alkaline Trio while his band was on tour. We got into this conversation on their tour bus outside The Showbox Market in Seattle, Washington.

Matt Skiba, Alkaline Trio @matttskiba @Alkaline_Trio

Fat Mike, Faith, Dolphin/Sharks, The ocean, Fear, Anxiety, Leaving your comfort zone, tour, good and evil, Duality, NSA and government spying, Rights, Constitution, Obama, Epiphanies, Stoners, Spirituality, Transcendental Meditation, David Lynch, Nancy Cooke de Herrera, Information overload, Navy Seals, China Beach, Cops, Tenacious D, Jerry Fin, Morrissey, Aliens/ETs, Dark Mission by Richard C Hoagland, Pyramids, Flying saucer, Illuminati, Bilderberg, Charity, Organized Religion, Enlightenment, Puppet politics, life hacking, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the pursuit of happiness, living positively.

Direct download: MHP_ep18_MattSkiba.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

This weekend was heavy. So much fun was had but along with that.. a heavy realization that life has changed yet again. Joining me on my first night here at IDOBI Radio are my buddies, Poncho & Lefty. Ex-US Navy Seals turned contract Mercenaries with pure hearts of gold! These guys are the rockstars of the military world and I was and still am in awe after hearing so many of their seemingly endless experiences. This episode is like no other and just so happens to be the first of many here on IDOBI.
Seal training, war stories, drugs, bar fights, jail, snipers, warlords, fields of Cannabis, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalian Pirates, riding elephants, slapping cobras, killing, respect for culture and people, monkeys, Shri Lanka, Malta, Canary Islands, PTSD
Direct download: MHP_ep17_Mercenaries_Poncho_Lefty.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 6:00pm PST

Music, Radio DJ, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, DRUGS, addiction, Drug Culture, Gay Culture, 12 step culture, MXPX, Religion, Spirituality, relationships, The Glamour & the Squalor Movie, Kumare, Technology, tour stories, radio stories, sex, drug habits, heroine, cocaine, weed, alcohol, movie, IDOBI radio, MTS, Seattle 107.7 The End.
Direct download: MHP_ep16_MarcoCollins.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 4:49pm PST

Writing, the creative process, blogging, journalism, tornado devastation in Moore, Oklahoma, attack on US press and Civil Rights, Positive, Healthy and Happy, Priorities, Drugs, Heroin Addiction, Governments, Lie, War, Drones, Jeremy Scahill, Dirty Wars, Libertarian, Anarchist Utopia, Philosophy, Religion, The Bible, a different angle, survivalist doomsday prep, Apocalypse, Monsanto, The Matrix.

Direct download: MHP_ep15_PatDay.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 3:26pm PST

Jason Pye @Jaseliberty, editor and journalist

Thanks for tuning in, this was a really enlightening conversation that went pretty deep into political wonk territory.

Politics, politics, politics, libertarian, Book On Liberty- John Stuart Mill, Washington DC, Benghazi, IRS, regulations, laws, guns, Associated Press wiretapping, Immigration- marco rubio, Justin Amash, honest politician, Bush, Obama, Clinton scandals wiretapping, torture/waterboarding, Tea Party, Republicans, Democrats, Music, Macklemore, Drug War, Social Issues, Capital Cronyism positivity, life philosophy, happiness.

Write me at

Download new solo and band material:

Direct download: MHP_ep14_JasonPye.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 8:17pm PST

#13 - Joe Moxley @joeymoxley, Jesse Lawson @JesseSWS

This was another of what I call a #partycast with Joe Moxley, @joeymoxley of @LegionnaireArmy & Jesse Lawson, @JesseSWS of @SWStheBand. Thanks for listening, be sure to 5 star us on iTunes & review the podcast.. helps me a ton! thanks!

Cleveland Kidnapping, Charles Ramsey, Amanda Berry, Room: A Novel, Terrorists, Bombings, Politics, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,, Queen of Versailles, Reality TV, Twitter Trolls, Gardening, Drones, As I Lay Dying Murder Arrest, Capitol Punishment, Bangkok Took Took, whiskey, Mother's Day, Twitter Trolls, Hoarders for the Rich, Tumbledown, Partycast.

Direct download: MHP_ep13_JoeMoxley_JesseLawson.mp3
Category:Philosophy -- posted at: 12:52pm PST