The Mike Herrera Podcast


Five Iron Frenzy's Reese Roper and Leanor Orega Till join the podcast.

This week’s guest is Reese Roper and Leanor Orega Till of Five Iron Frenzy. You may be in a group called I hate Five Iron Frenzy but the truth is you don’t. From long arms to Fireball this episode rotates through pre show warm ups, politics, live shows, and even some bad jokes so get ready for an hour of good friends and good stories.  

Reese and Leanor online:
Leanor's Facebook
Reese Roper is not my real friend



It stinks so good [7:15]
Fireball [11:00]
Reese starts to sing [15:00]
Breaking stuff at shows [17:30]
Words and propaganda [21:20]
Live shows [25:00]
Cornerstone [28:00]
The controversy [32:15]
Music hierarchy [35:00]
Leprosy barrier [37:00]
Music becomes family [40:00]
The voice takes you there [42:30]
Bad jokes [46:00]
Mini tour [47:30]
New album and politics [51:00]

Notable Links Discussed:

Me Without You
Simple Plan     
The fast feeling

Thanks to this week’s sponsors: use code MIKEH

MIKE Online: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Thanks to @SarahAllspaw : distribution, Mia McClellan: Production,Jake Gravbrot @walk.into.the.light : photos, the Idobi Radio Team, Jabber Jaw Media, & The Bob and Katie Show for preparing show notes. Thanks for listening.

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Direct download: MHHp219_FIF_ReeseRoper_and_LeanorOregaTill.mp3
Category:General -- posted at: 6:00pm PST